If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM)?


New member
What are folks opinions here on the If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) approach?

I see posts on other forms stating that all the attention to meal timing, glycemic index, number of meals foods chosen, etc is nothing but broscience.

Do you feel that one can get swole/shredded eating whatever they feel like as long as the calorie balance is appropriate for the goal and the target macronutrient ratio is consistently met?

Im not talking about the extremes either - no diets of protein powder butter and gumdrops. Im talking just eating normal everyday food and not caring about "good" food vs "bad" food, GI index, etc

Also - I am not talking about effects on overall health, lipids, blood pressure, etc. I am only taking about physique goals.
whats your context of normal everyday food??

i highly disagree with this approach btw
Im talking about mostly eating traditional stuff like oatmeal, eggs, chicken breast, steak, etc but then having a couple servings of ice cream for dessert before you go to bed. Or for one of your meals eating a piece of fried chicken or some pizza. (and not counting it as a cheat meal)

As I mentioned, calorie balance would be appropriate for the goal, and macros (especially protein) would be met.

The reason I ask is because not to have an excuse to eat garbage. I just get burned out quick on super strict diets eating chicken breast, tuna, brown rice and yams. Breaking up the monotony would be nice. The IIFYM/ just calories in-calories out type thinking makes sense to some degree, but is also at odds with what I have been blindly accepting as truth for a long time. For example do I really need to care about the G.I. of foods if Im not diabetic? White rice sure tastes 1000x better than brown..