Igf lr3


New member
I'm not asking for a source because I know how to google but can anyone explain why one company is selling IGF for around $50 while another is selling it for $150? There seems to be a huge difference in price between suppliers.

I have even seen it as high as 800 dollars for 1mg. But that was from REAL pharma labs that are FDA certified, have board of directors, and etc who are no doubt legit. (like you can only buy from them if you have some special license) Makes me wonder how real any of the stuff us independent researchers get is. LOL
You can get IGF tested you know?
There are a few companies that tested 95%+ purity while others tested under 80%.
A guy did alot of companies a while ago on another board, caused alot of heat between sponsors there and mods locked the thread because the companies that scored low were getting pissed their results were being posted up showing their crap products.

3 good companies scoring over 90% - Maximpep, ergopep, and extremepeptides were 3 I know. There are probably a few others that are up there as well, but those are 3 I remember and order from.
I have seen that study and I wish people wouldn't lock threads or play those games. It is good to know for the buyer but also for the supplier. Heck if I found out my stuff wasn't what I thought it was as the supplier I'd want to fix it not hide it. Duh man! LOL :)
Yeah, the companies came to defend their shit but couldnt back it up so started complaining.

Kinda funny but the community should know what they are paying for.