ignorant researcher


New member
this has been posted before but i thought id start a new thread instead of hi-jacking the old one,

i never receive replies from your customer support emails for some reason- ive gotten all my answers by searching but now that i have some new questions i dont know how to contact southern research...

ive made 2 orders already... i just want to know about the Aus distribution centre and how does that work - because my last order is still stuck in customs and if i don't receive it do i get a reship?

and how is having an Aus distribution centre going to stop customs from holding my future packs... considering it still being shipped from US?? or will it be domestic??

THey are not going to tell you how to use research products. You are supposed be a research professional


i never said i asked How to use research products, all my questions has been about their site and product in particular... i already knew how to research peptides before i found southern research.......

you didnt have to change my title...

one of my question was as simple as what is the difference between usps and fedex for shipping because i would have to pay 80 dollars more for fedex and i never got a reply, but i just did a google search and found out usps can be careless and fedex is the best..... Another one was if their products are made in a comany in the usa and not china but i found the answer to that as well but i just wanted some reassurance...... and a couple other emails,

now i have this question about their shipping (because i received an email about the Aus distribution centre opening) but i cant even contact them and i am a potential buyer (and already have bought over $500 of their peps)

can you change the title back because i would really like a reply from southern research (im not bashing them i just want to buy their products lol) they'r more expensive but im sure they'r more potent
you must have read my initial post wrong, i mean searching about my inquiries not researching...
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