what to stack with frag 176-191?


New member
Im currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (test cyp. 210mg e5d) and was thinking of adding frag 176-191 for help with fat loss. The research Ive read is promising. Anyone with experiences with it? Also are there other peptides that would work well combined with it?

Im hitting the gym hard 3-4 times a week and morning cardio 4-5 times a week. Diet in check.
i been researching frag as well and theres not much info on frag at all.. i just started the other thread to see what results people happen to have with it and where it came from.. but so far only a couple replies.. as far as stacking i believe any peptide can be stacked with it.. then again i'm still a noob at this so i could be wrong.. i too went with frag for the fat loss but it also seems like a 50/50 ratio of good result and bad..
how do you plan on using it? I've never used the frag but you need to use it a certain way or it's not effective.

for fat loss, you can use a ghrp paired with cjc 1295 w/o dac. to increase the fast loss from it, pin on empty stomach in the morning and do fasted cardio. also take an ec or eca stack with it to further increase fat loss.
i'm running frag now and couple things i would recommend is use bac water instead the AA burns pretty bad... but this is my 2nd day on it first day i tried 500mcg but then afterwards i read a little more and seems everyone is having good results with just 250mcg.. i'll see what happens after this first bottle..