I'm so proud!!


On Vacation
Ahhh! Finally got on the bandwagon and made my first batch(s). And man was it easy as pie. Took me about 20 minutes to make each 40cc bottle.

40cc EQ 250
40cc CYP 250

Still waiting on my capping machine to get the Dbol and Winstrol (winny) ready and I'll be set to go!!

Thanks for everyone's help and all the knowledge posted!!
Hey guys, I have read that sometimes with EQ you should use BB as well. Is this correct? I just used 3% BA for my EQ and it is holding fine, but I don't want any pain with it. Thanks
eq cant not hold its already a liquid. enan, eq and deca require o solvent as they are soluable in oil. cyp is sometimes. wheni make cyp at high mg i dont use solvents and if it dont hold i just heat every time i do a shot.

remeber fellas if your stuff dont hold heat will put it back in solution. its still good.
pullinbig said:
eq cant not hold its already a liquid. enan, eq and deca require o solvent as they are soluable in oil. cyp is sometimes. wheni make cyp at high mg i dont use solvents and if it dont hold i just heat every time i do a shot.

remeber fellas if your stuff dont hold heat will put it back in solution. its still good.

10-4. Sorry, what I was getting at is there a need to use BB in conjunction with BA for my EQ?

pullinbig said:
you dont need BA or BB. 0, nil, zippo, scratch, none. UC?

You might not *need* ba in there, but I would feel better knowing at least some ba was in there. Even 1% would put my mind at ease. You never know how long that batch might sit there in the vial. Maybe pb goes through a 20ml vial each week, but the average bear isn't.

I'd rather err on the side of caution. The same with heating the mixture for sterility. Odds are you won't ever have a problem if you don't heat, but why risk it.
i am the one who brought heat sterilization to this board tex. remeber? i dont use ba as a sterilizer cause it dont work for that. its a preservative. if i filter and bake and keep vial closed there shouldnt be a prob. but a little ba is ok if you want piece of mind. i thinkits overkill just as many feel heat is over kill.
pullinbig said:
i am the one who brought heat sterilization to this board tex. remeber? i dont use ba as a sterilizer cause it dont work for that. its a preservative. if i filter and bake and keep vial closed there shouldnt be a prob. but a little ba is ok if you want piece of mind. i thinkits overkill just as many feel heat is over kill.

I've always heated up my batches, and that was a few years ago doing fina. I do appreciate you discussing heat sterilization as well as ba, however, I know you remember that post where they showed that ba was able to sterilize at least a bit.

If any of those little buggers get in, the ba will stop them from having kids is the way I look at it. And 1%ba? That's worth it. If you're doing this stuff, you'll have plenty of ba to spare anyways. Also, if the pharmaceutical companies use ba as a preservative, I might as well, too.
Just because you CAN get away w/o using ba, doesn't mean it is the SAFEST way to go. I personally prefer to have a bacteriostatic envronment for my gear. Peace of mind? Yes. Always neccessary? No.

Every little step I can take to prevent infection is worth it to me.

That means a little ba, filtering, and heat.
That's what I needed to hear, multiple opinions. Thanks guys, this is why this board is great.

My stuff looks great sitting there. Don't think I'll be able to wait until Sep. 1 to start.

Thanks again.
RJH8541 said:
That's what I needed to hear, multiple opinions. Thanks guys, this is why this board is great.

That's the point of these boards...not that everybody agrees that this is the point of these boards <ahem pb ahem>.
the origianl poster wasnt referring to sterility he was refering to solvents. my answer was targeted towards that aspect.... ahem ahem

you guys brought up sterility not me or the poster. reread the thread.

once you guys mentioned ba for that reason i agreed.

so whats the prob texy?

you got it in for me now? 2 months ago you asked me to be a mod now you taking cheap shots.

get it together bro i am on your side.
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pullinbig said:
you got it in for me now? 2 months ago you asked me to be a mod now you taking cheap shots.

get it together bro i am on your side.

I don't have it in for you at all, I just took offense at your post about the board and stonecold. I was very surprised by your post, and not in a good way because I have done nothing but be your biggest fan and supporter since you've been here.

But like you ended with on that thread, let's just forget it and move on.