"impeccable" diet

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Impeccable was the wrong word to describe the diet, but it's the best I've been able to do. Any feedback is always welcome.

A. Main Option 1
B. Fast Option (in case of travel or work)
C. Main Option 2
D. Main Option 3
Meal 1: Pro/Carb
A. 8 Egg Whites, 1 Scoop Of Whey Protein, 1 cup oatmeal
B. Protein Bar
C. 12 Egg white omlet w/spinach 1 cup oatmeal

Meal 2: Pro/Fat
A. Lean Ground Turkey, Fish Oils, Spinach
B. Almonds Whey protein drink
C. Chicken Breast + Peanuts + Spinach

Meal 3: Pro/Fat
A. Turkey, 1 Tbsp olive oil, Brussel sprouts
B. Almonds + Whey protein
C. Chicken Breast + Cashews + spinach

Meal 4: Pro/Carb
A. Chicken Breast, 1 and a half cup Brown Rice + spinach
B. Protein Shake + berries
C. Turkey + 1/2 C brown rice 1/2 C wild rice 1/2 C lentils + spinach
D. Lean Meat plus yams (my favorite) and spinach

Lift Weights
Do Cardio (intervals or basketball or hill sprints or sleds)

Meal 5: PWO Nutrition
A. Whey Protein plus carbs, usually berries
B. RTD protein carb drink.
C. A carb/protein bar.

Meal 6: PPWO
A. Chicken Breast Brown Rice Spinach
B. Protein/Carb Protein Bar
C. Turkey Wild Rice, Spinach

Meal 7: Pro/Fat
A. Whey Protein, Almond Butter
B. Turkey Strips Almonds
C. Choclolate Whey + PB

Meal 8: Before Bed
A. some kind of Protein powder, Fish oils
60g protein / 3g carbs / 21g Fat
B. Almonds
C. same as A

About 300 Grams of protein and 3000 calories. I always eat what I put on my plate, and If im still hungry I eat till I'm full.

I got up to 198 lbs (I'm 6ft tall) with this diet. BF was 11.7%

I make all protein shakes with water. My fish oils are the fish oil sachets (lime flavor)

I make my turkey and chicken and rice on Sunday and Wednesday.

I lightly steam all my veggies.

I eat about 2 bags of spinach per day on this diet.

No Breads, No cheese or milk (lactose). No deserts.

Only fruits I eat are berries.

I just copied the basic bulking primer in the diet forum, and adapted it to myself.

Sometimes I add in extra workouts, if i do that, I add in some extra carbs and protein via a shake.

No salt, all i add is cumin and chili powder. If i need some salt i use "also salt", but i hardly do that.

I will rotate my carbs and proteins,
Main CARBS= Brown/Wild Rice, Lentils, Yams, Oats, Berries (mixed)
Main Meat= Turkey, Chicken, Salmon, Tuna (i don't eat that much fish, and I don't eat cow).
Main Fats=Fish oil, PB, Almonds, Avocado (i throw avacodo's in when I feel like it, I use them in spinach salads (when I don't steam spinach I make it into a salad)).
are you trying to get bigger or maintain?

I used to eat all clean like that up until this summer and I started stepping up to the dinner plate with less regard to the "clean" cals. I keep my conditioning up and take fish oils/green tea etc but I ended up going from consistently weighing 200-203ish to 207-208 (and that was from taking 750mg a test of wk down to 500mg a wk) in the morning w/ no noticeable changes in body fat by eye sight..

That diet looks healthy but it most likely will only maintain that weight or at best give you 1-2 lbs over a year which i think isn't worth all the effort you put in that diet.
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not bad, but like skarhead said, very clean...

if you are maintaining well on that and you plan on running a cycle, as you have previously stated, I would bump the calories up to about 3800 or so... that will yield you some nice lean gains...

I commend you for eating that many meals during the day... generally I can only manage 4-5 and a PWO shake... my meals are bigger, but generally I keep the pretty clean as well
I think it looks pretty good, Way to keep it clean. If you need to up calories them I would just add in either a weight gainer shake or add extra to each meal. Personally if you can keep that diet then do it it looks good to me!
That diet is very clean. I would lose weight on it unless i doubled all the portions.