In need of EVERYONES help!


Hello everyone!
First of all id like to introduce myself. My name is Tariel and im from canada. This is my first post on this forum. I have been lurking on here for a few months now and i have definitely learned quite a bit from you guys. So thanks! But today im here seeking advice for me personally as i just cant find all the answers i am looking for.

I have done ONE very stupid, useless, idiotic, completely irrational cycle about a year ago. This was when i knew NOTHING about aas. So here it is: (please, flame me. i know. i deserve it.)

I ran a dbol only cycle for 4 weeks at 60mg ED. I bought 14 nolvadex pills 2 days before the cycle ended because i had no idea that it even existed. my intake was 2000 cals per day. yes, it was clean, but still. I cant imagine myself eating so little right now. I actually ended up losing 4lb by the end of the month. Zero gains, sore nipples, 200 bucks down the drain. Time to retaliate.

So over the last few months i've been doing my homework and have decided to run a test e/ Anavar (var) cycle in about a month. Ill give you guys the basic layout of what im doing here.

Test e @ 250mg 2x/wk weeks 1-10
Anavar (var) @ 40mg ED weeks 1-4
nolva weeks 12-14
clomid weeks 14-16
(still debating on how to go about with the PCT but this one seems to be common)

Right now i weigh in at about 176lb. I am 5'8. My goal (open to criticism) is 205 by the end of this cycle. hopefully this is realistic.
My diet is perfect. I eat 6 meals a day. around 250g of protein, 4000 cals. very healthy. My fiance loves chicken more than she loves me so my meals may as well be god sent. Im at the gym 6 days a week and have been training for about 5 years now. lightly for the first 3 but ive always been naturally bulky and in good shape. I think the correct term is "mesomorph".

Now for the questions:
Is my goal realistic?
Will the Anavar (var) hold me off until the test REALLY kicks in?
How do i keep my libido up. Between you guys and i, i haven't been all that "into" it lately so i want to make sure that i dont completely lose the touch.
Should i take any others measures to avoid sides?
What kind of strength gains should i expect to see?
Water retention, is it really all that bad? I drink water like a f**king seacow so is this going to make me look like a baloon?
Can anyone with similar weight/size as me post some before and after pics if you have done something similar?

Thank you guys in advance for all the help! If i missed anything, let me know. Im in a bit of a rush considering its xmas eve. haha. I am totally open to criticism so go for it.
I would increase the length that the Test is run to 12 weeks, and yes the Anavar (var) will work while the Test gets up to full stable levels, by the end of the 4th or 5th week.

And drinking lots of water is one way to prevent water retention, also watch your sodium intake and keep Estro in check. You do not have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so I would suggest running Adex @ .25mg EOD and bump up to 0.5mg EOD if the 0.25mg dosage is not keeping it within normal levels.
I would say run your test longer for sure if you want those gains. Diet and training are key and maybe even increase protein intake to 1.5 per body weight.
My source doesnt exactly sell it cheap so that would put almost a whole vial to waste. Not sure what to do about that..
Wouldnt the clomid count as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or is that totally wrong? Also, is this ADEX legal in canada? like can i buy it anywhere?

EDIT: Alright so protein up to around 300? Nooo problem.
My source doesnt exactly sell it cheap so that would put almost a whole vial to waste. Not sure what to do about that..
Wouldnt the clomid count as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or is that totally wrong? Also, is this ADEX legal in canada? like can i buy it anywhere?

EDIT: Alright so protein up to around 300? Nooo problem.

I wouldn't call it a waste, you can use the leftover vial for your next cycle. Clomid is a SERM not an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so you will need to get either adex or aromasin for Aromatase inhibitor (AI). RUI is a sponsor on here and a good source for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and I'm almost certain they deliver to canada.
Im really not sure how to order this. Should i be making a call to them directly after the holidays?
No it's a website, you just buy it online and have it shipped to your house
Ok so i found it. Now it says that it is for research only. Does this mean that they will check if i run a lab of some sort?
You take it throughout the whole cycle until PCT, .25mg every other day. It should come with an oral syringe to measure it with. You can just mix it in water/drink or take it on it's own.
You take it throughout the whole cycle until PCT, .25mg every other day. It should come with an oral syringe to measure it with. You can just mix it in water/drink or take it on it's own.

Yes, he is correct Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be a good idea, plus if you start getting any side from high estrogen you can increase the dose to .5 or so. If I am not mistaken it will help keep your estrogen levels low and not just block the receptors like serms.
you probably wont get to 205 unless your are really working hard as hell, but i still think not. To help reach your goal maybe run dbol instead of Anavar (var) ? (since you're looking to bulk) and make sure to run post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last injection. i would recommend the normal 4 week regimen of clomid 100/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 and if you do decide to switch to dbol, run at 40mg/ed for the first 4 weeks. if you decide to stick with Anavar (var) than do 60-80mg (your choice) ed for the first 6 weeks. that would be better than the four weeks.
Remember what you put in, you get out. So EAT A SHIT .02
One thing that concerns me is the bloated stomach look. I REALLY like my abs, and last time i tried my luck with a dbol only cycle, they disapeared and took me quite some time to get back. almost as if my upper abdominal region just got injected with lard. So even if it means losing out on some size, id rather have muscle definition on my side. From what ive heard, Anavar (var) is always good for that. Now can someone please give me an idea of what my cycle should look like exactly from start to finish? Id like to keep it as basic as possible and make sure that i have zero issues with libido.