Incorporating oatmeal into a lean bulk


New member
I've been eating low carb, fairly low fat and high protein for a few months now. I just took the first test shot of a 400mg, 12 wk Test E cycle with 5 weeks of masteron thrown in in the middle. I know I need to up my calories, especially complex carbs. So, oatmeal every day is the choice. I have packets low sugar oatmeal with a per packet breakdown of 2g Fat, 23g carbs (4 of which are sugar, 3 of which are fiber) and 4g protein. I'm starting with adding one packet upon waking in the morning. 20 minutes after finishing, I have a whey protein shake with 60g protein and very low carbs and fat. Should I go with 2 packs in the morning? Or have a second pack preworkout? Or keep it at one? Since I have to wait a while to verify if my gear is legit, I'd rather not jump in hardcore and then 5-6 weeks in realize my gear was bunk and my bf went up. Thanks
Current diet started today, flame away :)
Stats: Age 35, 6'2" 180 ~12% bf
Just started Test E cycle at 400mg/12wks plus 5 weeks of 400mg mast E thrown in later
Goals: Long term to be ~200lbs with under 10%bf. Realize that may not happen after this one cycle.

Break down is Protein/Carbs/Fat grams
6:45am Cup oatmeal 4/23/2
7:15am Champion Nutrition Pure whey 55/12/4
8:30 Quest Protein bar 20/5/6
9:30 Quest Protein bar 20/5/6
11:00 Turkey sandwhich w/cheese and chips 40/60/25
3000mg Fish Oil concentrate 0/0/3
1:30 Quest protein bar 20/5/6
3:45 Chicken breast and mashed potatoes 35/50/15
5:15 1hour mix of Olympic and other heavy lifting followed by ~20 minute crossfit WOD
6:20 Champion Nutrition Pure whey 55/12/4
7:30 Quest Protein bar 20/5/6
Totals Protein/Carbs/Fat

I can do this every day. I'm also open to making adjustments. But I am a picky eater.
I'd go ahead and throw in the extra packet of oatmeal in the morning, even two. Your carbs are very low if you're trying to pack on some muscle. Also if it is bunk gear, the extra 150 calories or whatever won't make much of a difference in bf%. Also... get more real protein sources in there. You're getting all of your protein almost from bars and shakes, not good. You're diet is sub-par in my books. If you're going to have that little carbs, split them between breakfast, preworkout, and postworkout. There's no reason to put the highest carb meal at 11, where your not lifting or just waking up. It's pointless and counter productive. Ask 3J for advice on his sticky, he'll tear you apart and fix you right back up to be on the right track for progress.
Ok I think you needed to gain more lbm before you started to cycle...being 6ft your body can put on a lot more weight then your current status...but being 35 its possible your T levels could be diminishing, making it impossible to gain passed a certain point.
Anyway, are making this wayyyyyyy too hard...eating wayyyy too often.
6 solid meals a day is ideal, especially if you are relatively new to this.

But also what are your goals? I'm not understanding the reason to low carb diet?
Unless you are trying to cut down...which I would have suggested to do naturally first.

The BEST advice I can give you is to go to the very first sticky/thread on the diet forum/section...
Get 3J's email and info and contact diet investment I personally have made so far.