I've been eating low carb, fairly low fat and high protein for a few months now. I just took the first test shot of a 400mg, 12 wk Test E cycle with 5 weeks of masteron thrown in in the middle. I know I need to up my calories, especially complex carbs. So, oatmeal every day is the choice. I have packets low sugar oatmeal with a per packet breakdown of 2g Fat, 23g carbs (4 of which are sugar, 3 of which are fiber) and 4g protein. I'm starting with adding one packet upon waking in the morning. 20 minutes after finishing, I have a whey protein shake with 60g protein and very low carbs and fat. Should I go with 2 packs in the morning? Or have a second pack preworkout? Or keep it at one? Since I have to wait a while to verify if my gear is legit, I'd rather not jump in hardcore and then 5-6 weeks in realize my gear was bunk and my bf went up. Thanks