Infar Sustenon 250...real or fake


New member
I have just recieved this Sus 250 by has a green 250 in the background on the label and Sustenon 250 is in a grey bar at top. I have done a taste yest and it was very spicy and then my tongue went a little numb. Can anyone help me to determine if they are real. All i have ever used are the Cyctohah 250...never saw any other sustenon. The lot#is 252275 Mfg. Date is 7/2002 and the Exp. Date is 6/'06. Thanks.
Sorry dude I only know of those sustanon to come from pharmasia and they are most definetely fake. That "spicy feeling" on your tongue would be the Benzyl Alcohol.
I just got some of the same sus from Ottawa area, Same everything.... Dont know man Just trying them out now.
We really need to make a clear distinction between Infar Sustanon (sust). This is because it is no longer made any more and you can be sure it is fake.

Indian Sustanon (sust) is now under liecence from Organon and it should say Organon (India) Limited on the amps NOT infar.
I just got the same stuff

It's in a clear amp bottle with no score marks to break it open .

It's got a white label with "250" in large green numbers that are kind'a transparent so you can read the content underneath .

Liquid inside is very clear , not like other stuff I've had in the past that was golden .

It's hard to read but I think it says "INFAR (INDIA) LIMITED"

The lot# on mine is 252267



I can't find the damn page again but it said most definatly that INFAR (INDIA) LIMITED did make sus 250 along with a bunch of other drugs ......

Organon has copyright to the name Sustonon 250 but who says that India has to put their name on it .......?

I mean , Do they realy care about copyrights in india ....?

And it does taste spicy ...

If it's fake then why would they change the lot numbers on the label .....?

Need feedback cuz I'm about to pay someone a serious visit ....

Bro its Real...I know cause I'm from India...It's actually made for the domestic market thats why no one really gets it here. The blue sustanons are made for export! Very rare to get green ones...
dude becarefull because I dont remember seeing any sort of stuff like that and usually in Sustanon (sust) there is a little bit of yellow to golden color because the Sustanon (sust) is a mix of four different types of test usually