New member
Hey everyone, healthy 34 yr old, been a steady lifter for many years. Last few years have been noticing low test symptoms, decreased metabolism, no sex drive, other sex issues and extreme fatigue.. and finally went to doctor a month or so ago. Test results are 308 peak with free of 63. Two weeks ago I started 250mg of Test Cypionate once a week. I have done two injections so far. I am only interested in getting up to a normal range of 6-700. I don't have a cycle support lined up but reading up on them trying to figure out one. I have read its not necessarily a must since I am not really pushing a major cycle. No post cycle lined up yet either. I was going to take for about 10-12 weeks then stop for 4-8 then get back on it. Any useful information would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I have read 4-500 is normal beginner cycle but I am not looking for anything drastic, like I said...just a normal range for my age. I have a healthy diet and consistently in the gym. I was thinking about maybe taking a mild OTC cycle support since my dosage is low. I am more concerned about my post cycle. Thanks again.
I have read 4-500 is normal beginner cycle but I am not looking for anything drastic, like I said...just a normal range for my age. I have a healthy diet and consistently in the gym. I was thinking about maybe taking a mild OTC cycle support since my dosage is low. I am more concerned about my post cycle. Thanks again.
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