Info on First Cycle-Test Cyp

Hey everyone, healthy 34 yr old, been a steady lifter for many years. Last few years have been noticing low test symptoms, decreased metabolism, no sex drive, other sex issues and extreme fatigue.. and finally went to doctor a month or so ago. Test results are 308 peak with free of 63. Two weeks ago I started 250mg of Test Cypionate once a week. I have done two injections so far. I am only interested in getting up to a normal range of 6-700. I don't have a cycle support lined up but reading up on them trying to figure out one. I have read its not necessarily a must since I am not really pushing a major cycle. No post cycle lined up yet either. I was going to take for about 10-12 weeks then stop for 4-8 then get back on it. Any useful information would be much appreciated. Thanks!

I have read 4-500 is normal beginner cycle but I am not looking for anything drastic, like I said...just a normal range for my age. I have a healthy diet and consistently in the gym. I was thinking about maybe taking a mild OTC cycle support since my dosage is low. I am more concerned about my post cycle. Thanks again.
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A cycle won't correct your low test. Once your cycle is over, you'll lose whatever gains and go back to feeling like you did before. Your going about this all wrong. You need to look into the trt forums. Cycles just don't work like that...
WTF? You started TRT two weeks ago and you already want to run supraphysiological levels? Get your TRT protocol dialed in first and make sure you won't be seeing your doctor for another 6-12 months for follow-up blood work. Then you can think about blasting.
tbonexl, ok thanks for reply...I just talked to my doctor today and told him what I was taking and his reply was see you in 4 months. that was my urologist. both him and my primary care physician act like its no big deal and wouldn't have done anything. I would much rather be getting therapy from my doctor but I think I would have to go doctor hunting to accomplish it. it was just frustrating so I turned to the cypionate. From what I have read its used a lot for beginners and is mild in comparison to many other steroid cycles. I understand it wont fix the underlying issue but I wanted to see how it affected the symptoms of my low T. if it had a positive effect, I feel i could bring that up to my doctor and he would be more open to TRT. do you feel 308 is low enough for my age to where TRT should be an option? or are the doctors correct in acting like its no big deal?
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Thx for response. From what I have read 250mg once a week is a pretty starter level cycle. Am I wrong in what I read? My urologist I saw today didn't act like anything was wrong other than it wasn't from a doctor. It makes me question his knowledge or interest level in my issue. I wish I could find a doctor that is more open to TRT. I truly just want to get my levels to normal and feel better. Thanks again
Thx for response. From what I have read 250mg once a week is a pretty starter level cycle. Am I wrong in what I read? My urologist I saw today didn't act like anything was wrong other than it wasn't from a doctor. It makes me question his knowledge or interest level in my issue. I wish I could find a doctor that is more open to TRT. I truly just want to get my levels to normal and feel better. Thanks again

I thought you were being treated by a doctor for your Hypogonadism. I misunderstood.

You should seek a doctor that will treat you. Do not run a cycle as that will make it very hard if not impossible to get a doc to put you on TRT now. They will be able to see that you are on AAS.

And 250mg/wk of test is not a cycle. That is considered essentially a Replacement Dose - TRT in other words.
No hypogonadism for me ;-) I don't know how to go about finding one without dumping boatloads of money on copays etc. I have tried researching and asking around but with no luck. I would gladly get off of it and do what a doctor tells me to so I can get a prescribed TRT. That takes away the possibility of me loosing my job if tested. I guess cycle wasn't the correct terminology. If I can't find anybody else and continue taking at 250mg once a week, do I need anything else? I understand you are telling me not to and highly recommending not to do it, but I just want to be honest with you that if I can't find a doctor who is willing to help, I am going to replace on my own. I would just like to do it in the safest possible manner. I am sure and understand you hate new guys coming in here asking you the same questions over and over, but as one, I know we all appreciate the time taken to help. And by all means, tell me I'm an f'in idiot if I keep doing it. Thanks again
going ugl testosterone and ordering your own needles and supplies and doing your own TRT costs about $22 per month . Going with a vitality clinic can cost upwards of $600 a month. Big difference. If your self insured , paying a doctor may be even more.
No hypogonadism for me ;-) I don't know how to go about finding one without dumping boatloads of money on copays etc. I have tried researching and asking around but with no luck. I would gladly get off of it and do what a doctor tells me to so I can get a prescribed TRT. That takes away the possibility of me loosing my job if tested. I guess cycle wasn't the correct terminology. If I can't find anybody else and continue taking at 250mg once a week, do I need anything else? I understand you are telling me not to and highly recommending not to do it, but I just want to be honest with you that if I can't find a doctor who is willing to help, I am going to replace on my own. I would just like to do it in the safest possible manner. I am sure and understand you hate new guys coming in here asking you the same questions over and over, but as one, I know we all appreciate the time taken to help. And by all means, tell me I'm an f'in idiot if I keep doing it. Thanks again

Actually, you do have Hypogonadism. Your TT is 308ng/dl.
Your not the only person who does self trt. You are going about it all wrong. You can't tell your doc that your taking illegal substances to make you feel better. Then see if he will prescribe them to you.. That move might've gotten you read flagged with the insurance providor. Doctors will document what you say. You now are a drug abuser...

If your are gonna do the trt thing on your own, you need to educate yourself on it. You need private blood work, need to know when to donate blood so your hemocrit doesn't get too high, what ai dose to take if any and what test dose to run. A lot more to it then just jabbing yourself once a week...
I wasn't doing it in hopes he would start but trying to let him know where I was and how much it was effecting me. I was desperate and so people do dumb shit out of desperation. I appreciate all the feedback and you brought up some good points I hadn't thought about...especially the insurance stuff. That could be a nightmare later. I have been trying to read as much as possible but there is so much out there and many differing opinions.