Information for a new user

OK, this is my first time using gear so i want to have the basics covered.. im a medical student and i made some research about steroids, i even did my final project of pharmacology about steroids..

so here we go, im planning on using just Test Cyp for 600mg per week for 10 weeks, injecting twice a week.. because im using a 200mg/ml so injecting 3ml IM in only one shot will be pure pain.

so this is what i want to know, should i inject it every Monday and Thursday for 10 weeks? also a doctor told me to do 12 weeks, but the las 2 weeks reduce the dose to 300mg for week 11 and 100 mg for week 12, to minimize crash.

i also had gyno problems when i was 12 years old, genetic shit.. on the good side i got a surgery and my mammary glands where removed completely, so the doctor told me i shouldn't worry about gyno again, but anyway i got some tamoxifen to control any other related sides for estrogen like blood pressure etc.

any recomendations?, i want to know what days of the week i will be injecting my test cyp, i know its a long ester, but doctors told me to inject it 2x so i can minimize acne or oily face sides.. and pain.

i lifted for 3 years, im at 200 pounds, 1.76cm and im not fat.. im around 17%bodyfat im looking to bulk up with this cycle.
Twice a week min. My split is Monday morn, Thursday night. You could also do 1ml mon,wed,fri. Even with the long half life it just adds stability

Don't skip your estrogen control and don't start until you have your all your pct supplies in hand.

The stickies lay it out real simple and nice.
Nolva is a serm. You need to look into aromatize inhibitors. That will manage estrogen during a cycle. Monday and thursday is pretty normal for pinning. You need to familiarize yourself with hcg and pct too. Btw, tapering a long ester makes no sense. It's a long ester. It will taper itself on its own. Probably won't start pct till 21 days after last pin because it's "tapering". Read the ology faq's thread to learn everything you need to know...