New member
OK, this is my first time using gear so i want to have the basics covered.. im a medical student and i made some research about steroids, i even did my final project of pharmacology about steroids..
so here we go, im planning on using just Test Cyp for 600mg per week for 10 weeks, injecting twice a week.. because im using a 200mg/ml so injecting 3ml IM in only one shot will be pure pain.
so this is what i want to know, should i inject it every Monday and Thursday for 10 weeks? also a doctor told me to do 12 weeks, but the las 2 weeks reduce the dose to 300mg for week 11 and 100 mg for week 12, to minimize crash.
i also had gyno problems when i was 12 years old, genetic shit.. on the good side i got a surgery and my mammary glands where removed completely, so the doctor told me i shouldn't worry about gyno again, but anyway i got some tamoxifen to control any other related sides for estrogen like blood pressure etc.
any recomendations?, i want to know what days of the week i will be injecting my test cyp, i know its a long ester, but doctors told me to inject it 2x so i can minimize acne or oily face sides.. and pain.
i lifted for 3 years, im at 200 pounds, 1.76cm and im not fat.. im around 17%bodyfat im looking to bulk up with this cycle.
so here we go, im planning on using just Test Cyp for 600mg per week for 10 weeks, injecting twice a week.. because im using a 200mg/ml so injecting 3ml IM in only one shot will be pure pain.
so this is what i want to know, should i inject it every Monday and Thursday for 10 weeks? also a doctor told me to do 12 weeks, but the las 2 weeks reduce the dose to 300mg for week 11 and 100 mg for week 12, to minimize crash.
i also had gyno problems when i was 12 years old, genetic shit.. on the good side i got a surgery and my mammary glands where removed completely, so the doctor told me i shouldn't worry about gyno again, but anyway i got some tamoxifen to control any other related sides for estrogen like blood pressure etc.
any recomendations?, i want to know what days of the week i will be injecting my test cyp, i know its a long ester, but doctors told me to inject it 2x so i can minimize acne or oily face sides.. and pain.
i lifted for 3 years, im at 200 pounds, 1.76cm and im not fat.. im around 17%bodyfat im looking to bulk up with this cycle.