


How long is the spot sore after injecting 500ml of enanthate in the but cheek?
Is it 250mg/ml or 500mg/ml. It really depends on the BA content of the gear, and to some degree where you shot it on the cheek.
my buddy actually just did that friday night, still is pretty sore today, walks around like he has a fucking load in his pants, im thinking it'll be gone by tomarrow or the next day.
ba content, and also I think the location.......I have used the same test in my quads and tri's with no pain, two days ago I injected into my glute and it swelled up and I could barely walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
250mg / ml / 2 cc's in glute. I was my first time on Thursday. The next morning my ass was sore. Today it is still little sore.

Does your body ever get used to it and not hurt.

QV Enanthate 250
I could be wrong but, I understand that humane grade stuff, like schering or ICN's don't hurt so much or at all ...