Injury Mid Cycle - Surgery and Test Cypionate Experience

MD Monster

New member
Hey, I am still new to this forum and wanted to relay my experience with mid-cycle injury, surgery, and continuing the cycle before and after the surgery.

I started my first Test Cyp only cycle at 500 mg per week (250 mg 2x per week) with 1 mg Arimidex E3D and 50 mg Clomid EOD.

Prior to beginning the cycle I had an inguinal hernia for months that never really bothered me. About 4 weeks into my cycle the hernia got bigger and painful and prevented me from doing big lifts like squats and deadlifts so I elected to have surgery and repair it in the 6th week of my cycle. Up to the 6th week I ran the full 500 mg however tapered to 300 mg for 2 weeks after the surgery. I told the surgeon about my cycle prior to surgery because anesthesia is no joke and you should definitely disclose what you are on prior to the anesesthia so they can mitigate any risks. The surgeon said there are no know interactions between Testosterone and administering anesthesia and that I was perfectly fine. As I stated, I ran 500 mg the week of surgery and 300 mg 2 weeks after surgery. Obviously I am not able to train, however I have noticed the following results:

- Extremely fast recovery. I had a bi-lateral hernia (on both sides) which he fixed. After 2 days I was walking and moving easily. After 4 days I was ready to go to the gym (but didn't) and managed household tasks. After 7 days I felt 100%, was back at work with no issue. After 10 days I was walking for 20 minutes on the treadmill and doing light yard work (weed wacking).
- Maintenance of size and muscle - I have not lost 1 pound in 2 weeks. I weighed 204 lbs prior to the surgery and I am still 204 lbs. My muscle has remained dense and hard.
- Overall enhanced recovery and faster reduction in swelling of the abdominal region. I supplemented with hemp oil and Supergreens powder along with vitamin C which assisted in reducing the swelling. I am simply amazed at how fast I am recovering through this.

I am writing this as a personal testament to, what I believe, is the power of Testosterone supplementation in post-op healing. This may be common knowledge to some, but hopefully it will enlighten those who don't know and are in a similar situation. I personally believe it is the reason why I am recovering so fucking fast.

My stats:
27 years old
First Cycle - cut short unfortunately
Started 188lbs (7-8% bf after 3 month cut for Men's Physique Comp)
Ended 204lbs probably 10-11% bf after an 8 week "cycle" (6 good weeks at 500 mg)
Please note - some weight gain was due to post competition eating
Diet - 300-350 g protein/ 200-250 g carbs/ 25-75 g fats from flax & hemp oil
Other supplement: liquid B12, NAC, Arginine, SuperGreens plant powder.

For post cycle therapy (pct) in 2 weeks I have clomid and nolva.
I had a inguinal hernia mid cycle back in 2008 and stopped and started post cycle therapy (pct). Hernias get better fast typically everybody is up and moving around in about 3 days time. Did you have the plug and patch repair? Test probably will help this type of post-op since its a tear in the abdominal wall and not an injury to a tendon or ligament. Still need to take it easy though for 2-4 weeks
I had lapriscopic surgery with a mesh repair. I was actually told by the doctor that lapriscopic allows faster healing and recovery, but I can't help but attribute some of the recovery to the Test. I'm definitely going to rest for another 4 weeks before I go back in and do light workouts and ease back into it.
Would either of you have any tips for someone who reaggravated an old hernia? My father thinks he has fucked his all up. Or is doctor/surgery the only option?
Hernias suck in that aspect dre they dont heal on their own with time! Cant you do the surgery yourself though??? Dr Dre dont just stand there operate!
Sorry for the cheesy eminem line ... I had to do it though lol

Dude you had me laughing, I listened to my name is at the gym today. Happened to come on during shuffle hahaha. If I can snag some scalpels and shit I'd def be doing it myself. I guess ill tell him be just needs to go back to the doc. He's a stubborn guy though and is working through it :(
Surgery is the only way to really fix it. However they say people can walk around for years with them as long as there is no pain and the bulge moves back in on its own when you lay down and doesn't increase in size. The problem is that you are limited in your activities because of the chances of making it worse, which will inevitably happen.