Insane cycle idea.... word...

Sorry. my rebuttal was a bit rude. I was just arguing with my brother when I read your post and took it out on you. I have experience with slin. I have twelve inj. sites I use so I should be okay with scar tissue. I just prefer prop. I make my own gear so I know it's sterile. I know it's an absurd cycle and was never planning to actually run all of it, just throwing it out there to see what would be best with what I have. I should have been more clear in a few things. I do respect and appreciate all of your input. I will be safe and if there is anything you feel I should do with what I have I am open to suggestions, but my goal is to come back next year to the stage a completely different physique. I have had quite a bit of success with my first few shows and I want to see how far I can take this shit. my diet is as good as it gets all year round. Shit, even my cheat meals are healthy. What would you do with the available options, dre?
Sorry. my rebuttal was a bit rude. I was just arguing with my brother when I read your post and took it out on you. I have experience with slin. I have twelve inj. sites I use so I should be okay with scar tissue. I just prefer prop. I make my own gear so I know it's sterile. I know it's an absurd cycle and was never planning to actually run all of it, just throwing it out there to see what would be best with what I have. I should have been more clear in a few things. I do respect and appreciate all of your input. I will be safe and if there is anything you feel I should do with what I have I am open to suggestions, but my goal is to come back next year to the stage a completely different physique. I have had quite a bit of success with my first few shows and I want to see how far I can take this shit. my diet is as good as it gets all year round. Shit, even my cheat meals are healthy. What would you do with the available options, dre?

Not a problem, we can still be bromies :)

Ok so prop, slin, injection sites, blood work, etc check.

I like Rip's ideas for this cycle. The other option I see is breaking it down into 2 smaller cycles like 2
8-10wk cycles with a short cruise back to TRT dose in between??
I was actually thinking about doing that as well. If I saved my winny until before my comp what should I run with it to help with my joints? I'll also be on all the other shit to dry out, so what would be best not to be crippled by joint pain. Comps in the past I have only used clen, var, and diuretics. I was thinking letro to dry out, as well...
I was actually thinking about doing that as well. If I saved my winny until before my comp what should I run with it to help with my joints? I'll also be on all the other shit to dry out, so what would be best not to be crippled by joint pain. Comps in the past I have only used clen, var, and diuretics. I was thinking letro to dry out, as well...

The NPP would help with joints for sure and by controlling E2 you could avoid most of the water retention.
Keep in mind I'm bat shit crazy. Lol.

That's just the thing Rip.... you're not! You have offered me sound, sensible advice since I joined here... I'm surprised to hear you are going 'gung-ho' soon! Good luck though bro, and be sure to post progress!
I'm not assuming you're an idiot. I did notice the as needed by aromasin but the minimum effective dosage of it is 5mg. You'll be running 1.3g of aromatizable gear the first 8wks then 700mg after that. I seriously seriously doubt 6.25mg of aromasin will be anywhere near enough. I seriously doubt even 12.5mg would be enough. I'd be somewhat surprised if even 25mg was enough seeing as aromasin is the weakest of the common AIs. That was my point. If you have 10cycles under your belt as stated I would think you'd have a better understanding of just how much aromasin you'd need (provided you've used it before of course).

Will you be getting bloodwork during this cycle?

Hopefully you have experience with insulin otherwise I hope you've done extensive research and know what precautions to take.

I don't see why you don't like long-watered test? What's the difference in this proposed cycle? You may not mind the pinning but what about scar tissue? What about every injection is another potential risk of abscess or infection? What about all the extra pins? What about the much higher volume of oil needed since test prop cannot hold in solution in as high a concentration as enanthate can?

I'd rep this, but apparently I've kissed your arse too much lately Dre!
Solid advice here though Norse... Please listen to him!
27, 205, 6'2", about 12%bf, abd around ten cycles under my belt and am on trt.

So... here it goes...

Week1-18 test p@700week
Week1-8npp@600 week
Week8-17tren ace@525week
Week9-17mast prop@600week
Week1-19aromasin@ 6.25-12.5ed as needed
Week18-22pct blah, blah....trt version.

Now... overkill like a mothafucka, but what do you guys think?:Pump:

thats not.insane.. thats like a yearly thing for.myself.. i run cycles year round.summer time.i ran 1g tren ace, 1.5g prop, 1 g mast prop.. then knocked it.down to 1g each.. tru in var and clen, towards the end tapered the trebn added 800npl.. tapered the prop added 1g sus, 1 g primo, now im.on 2g of test,1g primo.. clen and t4mm judt added slin, gh and igf recently too
thats not.insane.. thats like a yearly thing for.myself.. i run cycles year round.summer time.i ran 1g tren ace, 1.5g prop, 1 g mast prop.. then knocked it.down to 1g each.. tru in var and clen, towards the end tapered the trebn added 800npl.. tapered the prop added 1g sus, 1 g primo, now im.on 2g of test,1g primo.. clen and t4mm judt added slin, gh and igf recently too

T4mm.... spending some time on craigslist I see lol
1-4 Test P 500-700
1-18 Test E 700
1-4 (or 1-6 with var) oral of your choice... you seem to be looking to cut some weight (but I also see NPP in this cycle so I'm a little bit confused) so I guess var would be the way to go.. personally I'm in love with superdrol
1-18 EQ... like 600-800 mgs.. watch RBC
now tren or NPP... depends on your goals obviously, I would not recommend running the 2 togheter... some people do it tho, personally I never did that
Mast is also your call.. if you like that stuff you can run it the whole cycle, will help with bloat and estro
aromasin as needed as always
I think I'm dropping the eq and mast. I'm going to do what dre said mixed with what rip and I have been discussing over pm... two separate cycles. first with be high test and npp with a dbol start and var finish. Then do high test and tren with a tbol start and var finish. Let the insanity begin!
I think I'm dropping the eq and mast. I'm going to do what dre said mixed with what rip and I have been discussing over pm... two separate cycles. first with be high test and npp with a dbol start and var finish. Then do high test and tren with a tbol start and var finish. Let the insanity begin!

I think you'll enjoy this way and I know Rip will not steer you wrong.

Merry Christmas bro
I personally think the cycle is to complicated with to many different steroids. I honestly feel like you could grow damn near just as good or maybe even better with less gear. Some times side effects can hinder gains.