Intermitted fasting and Bulgarian method training


New member
I am currently on a Intermitted fasting diet and do not normally eat until 1pm, normally after my training, I get all my calories in after that with about 3-4 meals, have been doing this for 3 weeks now. I am also on the Bulgarian method training routine which is Max bench and Max squats 5-6 days a week with Max deadlifts twice a week, ive been doing this for 2 weeks now. My lifts have stayed fair consistent the last 2 weeks and I have even set new personal bests on the squat and bench press this last week. Bench: 140kg (with a spotter) and squat 160kg (no spotter). My squat my weak point as I suffered a knee injury in rugby a few years back.

I have lost about 3kg (about 6-8lbs) since starting the intermitted fasting.

My question is, is it safe to assume all the weight lost is from fat mass and water retention?
I assume I am not losing any muscle mass due to the fact that my strength levels are not dropping and are in fact increasing. (my assumption is, you cannot lose muscle mass and at the same time increase strength).

I am not a body builder or a professional strength athlete. I weight train for the love of training and for the desire to explore new territory so I know what I'm doing is unorthodox and most of you will be hard set to tell me I do not know what I am doing. I am a biokinetics and sports science student and I like to experiment with theories of training wit my own body to see how much water they really hold instead of taking the advice of "expects" simply on their word because if any of you pay enough attention, you will notice that the facts about training and the advice based on those facts is always changing is new research and studies always seem to contradict what came before it. So I like to test things out for myself to see how well I rate they work for me. I do however realise that my technique is very subjective and so much scientific but like I said, I am not a professional athlete, so all that really matters are my subjective feelings towards what I am doing.

Thanx for any responses.
Intermitted dieting and Bulgarian method training

I am currently on a Intermitted fasting diet and do not normally eat until 1pm, normally after my training, I get all my calories in after that with about 3-4 meals, have been doing this for 3 weeks now. I am also on the Bulgarian method training routine which is Max bench and Max squats 5-6 days a week with Max deadlifts twice a week, ive been doing this for 2 weeks now. My lifts have stayed fair consistent the last 2 weeks and I have even set new personal bests on the squat and bench press this last week. Bench: 140kg (with a spotter) and squat 160kg (no spotter). My squat my weak point as I suffered a knee injury in rugby a few years back.

I have lost about 3kg (about 6-8lbs) since starting the intermitted fasting.

My question is, is it safe to assume all the weight lost is from fat mass and water retention?
I assume I am not losing any muscle mass due to the fact that my strength levels are not dropping and are in fact increasing. (my assumption is, you cannot lose muscle mass and at the same time increase strength).

I am not a body builder or a professional strength athlete. I weight train for the love of training and for the desire to explore new territory so I know what I'm doing is unorthodox and most of you will be hard set to tell me I do not know what I am doing. I am a biokinetics and sports science student and I like to experiment with theories of training wit my own body to see how much water they really hold instead of taking the advice of "expects" simply on their word because if any of you pay enough attention, you will notice that the facts about training and the advice based on those facts is always changing is new research and studies always seem to contradict what came before it. So I like to test things out for myself to see how well I rate they work for me. I do however realise that my technique is very subjective and so much scientific but like I said, I am not a professional athlete, so all that really matters are my subjective feelings towards what I am doing.

Thanx for any responses.
Some help would be appreciated guys. Is it a safe bet to assume that I cannot be losing any muscle if my strength levels are being maintained and increasing?
Some help would be appreciated guys. Is it a safe bet to assume that I cannot be losing any muscle if my strength levels are being maintained and increasing?
Well what's your weight, the amount of proteins your taking, time / week your going to gym, for how long are you doing that type of training ? What's your bf at the beggining ?
I am wondering the same thing. I am carb cycling and losing weight, but my strength is staying consistent and even improving in some areas. Does that mean I am recomping or could there be other variables in the mix?