intermittent fasting and steroids


New member
Does any one have any experiance using intermittent fasting while on cycle?

Im on my first cycle now and have switched from intermittent fasting to a more tradional diet to get more calories. I've gained a little to much bf and would like to switch back to intermittent fasting if possible but I'm unsure if the time in between eating would be to long? Do you think it would have any negative effects at all?
cant say i agree with that approach... ur just not getting the calories u need in..
cant say i agree with that approach... ur just not getting the calories u need in..

You mean I wouldn't be getting the calories i need on a intermittent fasting diet?

Ive always believed in calories in vs calorie out, however I know things change when your on the sauce. The thing is I if im eating 500-1000 cal over maintenance I could still do this on intermittent fasting, all the while getting roughly the same macros and being happier with what I eat.

I know your the DUDE here 3j so I appreciate your reply, Im still trying to learn :smoker:
to get the most out of your cycle you wanna keep a steady constant stream of amino acids and nutrients fed to your body at ALL TIMES...

im sure u understand why i dont agree with the philosophy...
cant say i agree with that approach... ur just not getting the calories u need in..

I was curious about this topic as well. As I understand with intermittent fasting you would still be taking in the same amount of calories as you normally would. Same amounts of c/p/f as well, but just a shorter window of time to eat.
to get the most out of your cycle you wanna keep a steady constant stream of amino acids and nutrients fed to your body at ALL TIMES...

im sure u understand why i dont agree with the philosophy...

What's your opinion about this approach while not on cycle?

I've had success with it, but I'm interested to see your input.
What's your opinion about this approach while not on cycle?

I've had success with it, but I'm interested to see your input.

any time your starving your body your not doign something good for it...

the biggest concern is muscle loss and deprivation of the metabolism..

yes, there is a semi-good theory about it.. the person who created it didn't think in ill will.. but it doesn't work well for our goals as body builders and power lifters
Holy shit this sure turned into quit the topic. I was looking into gaining some lean mass, not a bodybuilder just a bro enjoying eating well and training hard. I'm 215ibs with about 12-13%body fat 6'0, just want to lower my bf % without losing any mass. I have been on the if diet for the last couple of weeks have lost some weight but wife is noticing I'm losing a little mass as well. I was thinking on jumping on a t300 cycle for 12 weeks while on the if diet. 3J is a respected bro on this site, and if he says its not that good then I will go back to 6 meals a day while on cycle.
Holy shit this sure turned into quit the topic. I was looking into gaining some lean mass, not a bodybuilder just a bro enjoying eating well and training hard. I'm 215ibs with about 12-13%body fat 6'0, just want to lower my bf % without losing any mass. I have been on the if diet for the last couple of weeks have lost some weight but wife is noticing I'm losing a little mass as well. I was thinking on jumping on a t300 cycle for 12 weeks while on the if diet. 3J is a respected bro on this site, and if he says its not that good then I will go back to 6 meals a day while on cycle.

its not ideal... if you hop on cycle that would help if you plan on sticking to the IF approach.. personally i think carb cycling would be the best approach for what your looking for
its not ideal... if you hop on cycle that would help if you plan on sticking to the IF approach.. personally i think carb cycling would be the best approach for what your looking for

It would depend on the goal, obviously... I know IF protocols raise adrenal hormones (due to the extreme low blood sugar) this could comppound higher bp from the gear if this post was intended to ask about health, which i think it was.

To agree with 3j, i dont think if should ever be necessary, when on gear.

However, the huge hgh release from it is well documented, so it could go either way.

I would think pure protein (with fibrous vegs so u dont shit out gerbil pellets) might have a similar hgh response as fasting when on gear, due to the muscles absorbing more protein and blood sugar being even lower than it normally would with such an approach
If the goal is explicitly to add muscle on your cycle, you should know that even big time IF fans typically don't bulk on it. I do some modest IF and see solid results when adding the protocol to my normal diet, however I notice it mostly in the bodyfat/leanness area. Dropping fat is a massive headwind to gaining muscle. YMMV

I'd experiment more when you have a different goal.