Intro and M1t


New member
Hey everyone, I'm new. I've been reading here for a while and I decided to finally register. I have never done a cycle before but I have been researching for a few years. I am a medical student so I don't have time to do a cycle correctly right now, but I was considering it in the coming summer. I know the best thing would to do a test cycle, but I was wondering what everyone here thinks about M1t. I know it is going to be illegal here in the next month so if it is worth trying I was going to buy some before the ban. Any experiences with it? I've heard that oral only cycles are usually pretty crappy, but would this be pretty decent if I wanted to gain maybe 10-15lbs before I do a more traditional test cycle.
You will find that the side effects will be worse with m1t than test.

I'm not sure what you are wanting to try m1t in lieu of test? is it because of the sides?
I am in the process of learning about the sides. I usually read on the anabolic forum, I never came to the supplement forum. I have learned a lot since coming over here. I guess I am considering m1t because of availability and the shorter length of cycle. I did not know that there were more severe sides with m1t than with test. Is that true in most cases? If so i would probably hold out and do a test only cycle around 400-500mg/wk.