Intro and some recent results.


New member
I'll start with My name is Tony and I'm an alcoholic. or was. I was always in shape growing up. HS wrestler went on to do a little pro motorcycle riding, but once the wife and kids came that all changed. I spent the next 10-12 years drinking and eating shitty working a desk job. I'm on the shorter side 5'6" and was always about 155-165 but at the end of the drinking and being lazy i was close to 200 pounds.,.. 192 ish was the exact number. Thanks to the internet, there's no excuse for ignorance when it comes to getting healthy and steroids. I started with a diet. changed what I ate completely. I don't eat perfect but I eliminated all processed foods and sugars as well as simple carbs. Quitting alcohol and crap food and going to the gym hard I made a pretty good amount of change in only a couple of months. I went from 192 to 162... 192 was obviously the pasty white no abs, and 162 a couple months later down 30 pounds.thats the side by side pic. t Around that time i started doing research on a basic NOOB cycle. I did the patient man cycle of Deca/ test C with 6 weeks of anavar 40 mg. total cycle was about 11 weeks. I'm in the middle of PCT right now. but i had some decent results. I went from 162 to 183 in the 11 weeks and still about the same now. it was fantastic to see the max numbers go up. a couple numbers that stuck out for me. I started with a max squat of 245 and got up to 325. dead lift was about 245 also, got up to 350. and bench, i think I had 225 for 1 rep maybe ... thats up to about 280 now. My only complaint about coming off is I feel like I need more sleep. feel more tired. but im sure it will pass after everything is back to normal. All in all im happy with the results and look forward to another one later this year possibly.. Probably do something different than deca though. I want a more shredded look. the other 2 pics are near the end of the cycle about 182lbs. Anyway glad to be here, I got a lot of my cycle info Thanks!
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Welcome aboard!
Start reading the sticky threads. Even if you think you don't need it. Everyone can learn something there!
I love this site. Have learned sooo much!
Good luck bro