Is 36grams alot of sugar?

IMO, yes. You can find creatine that is not loaded with sugar and still delivers properly to your body. Find one with a different delivery system such as Vitargo. Still has carbs, but not refined sugar.
better yet, buy the monohydrate for WAY cheaper, mix it with protein and dextrose.

you'll save money and you'll know exactly what you're putting into your body.
36g of sugar for how many grams of creatine.

Just buy creatine pure and mix it yourself much more economical.
I would take half the recommended dosage. Your body will piss out a lot of creatine if you take 10 grams at once. All you need is like 3-4 a day. companies tell you to take that much so you fly thru you creatine and go by more. Good luck bro.
36g sugar with creatine (5-10g) is not too much. You want to spike your insulin, that is the idea, i use 45g dextrose with good results. Also, those insulin mimickers like hydroxy-iso-leucine, how do you know those actually do what they claim? have you seen any real test results with them? I am not trying to knock you derbyhound, just would like to know why you feel strongly about it, perhaps you know something i dont.
also, wrestler, if this is true that your body can only absorb 3-4g on the avergae, b/c everybody is different (i do however believe you, as far as how much you can absorb, that you cant absorb on aveage more than 5grams), but say you only consume 4grams of creatine, are you expecting a 100% absorption rate? Why not take 7-10grams and try to get maximum absorption and excrete the rest? At the price of creatine these days (cheap), i see no problem with this. There is no kidney issues linking supplemental creatine intake with it either, so i would say go for it. Drink plenty water to help your kidneys filter more efficiently.
grafix-gnc said:
also, wrestler, if this is true that your body can only absorb 3-4g on the avergae, b/c everybody is different (i do however believe you, as far as how much you can absorb, that you cant absorb on aveage more than 5grams), but say you only consume 4grams of creatine, are you expecting a 100% absorption rate? Why not take 7-10grams and try to get maximum absorption and excrete the rest? At the price of creatine these days (cheap), i see no problem with this. There is no kidney issues linking supplemental creatine intake with it either, so i would say go for it. Drink plenty water to help your kidneys filter more efficiently.

I just feel that half the recommended dosage would be plenty. It gives him 5 grams of creatine which has been proven to be more than the average person can use. 3-4 is about avg, so 5 to me would be taking enough to get maximum absoprtion. I use cell tech, and in one scoop there is 5 grams of creatine. They say use two scoops though. By cutting my serving in half i can get twice as many servings out of it. Saves me like 50 bucks a month that i would otherwise be pissing away. That 50 is going to something a lot better than creatine :D
Agreed creatine is cheap and so taking 10g instead of 5g is no big cost. But that does not mean it is not a waste. Saturated muscles can only hold about 5g of creatine per kg and as wrestler says 3 to 4g is pretty much max use in a day.
as a note sugar is half fructose.

sugar source is important, dextrose is preferably with creatine
3Wheels said:
Agreed creatine is cheap and so taking 10g instead of 5g is no big cost. But that does not mean it is not a waste. Saturated muscles can only hold about 5g of creatine per kg and as wrestler says 3 to 4g is pretty much max use in a day.

i am not arguing how much the muscle can use, but the absoprtion rate. If it is 3-4g/day (which i am guess it is, cause i never loked into it), why only consume 3-4g/day? Your not gonna absorb 100% intestinally?
grafix-gnc said:
Also, those insulin mimickers like hydroxy-iso-leucine, how do you know those actually do what they claim? have you seen any real test results with them? I am not trying to knock you derbyhound, just would like to know why you feel strongly about it, perhaps you know something i dont.

I use 5g pure monohydrate mixed into fruit juice and water. This way I only take it with about 15-20 grams of sugar. I have tried other deliveries like Nutrex's Vitargo and I have found that they work fine. I am not a fan of refined sugars, thats all. Now, I know that products like Cell Tech with massive amounts of sugar work well, I personally like to limit sugar intake and find other, perhaps better, carbs to spike insulin. Scientists still do not know exactly what spikes insulin and what doesn't. Some suggest that aspertime and other fake sweetners react the same way sugar does with insulin levels. It is difficult to gain lbm while maintaining bf with a lot of sugar in your diet.