Is Cabergoline the Answer to Libido, ED, Morning Wood and Low Testosterone Issues?

Meg, do you think it is too late for me to go back to producing my own T. I have been on jel for since September of last year. I just recently switched to 75mg of test C two times a week. My total T was 400 before starting. I am told this is not that bad for a guy 59. I am beginning to think that prolactin could be a problem for me. Of course I have to get a blood test first to verify this. I was on yesterday, was able to keep a good hardon. Today, not so good. Lost it three times after only about 5 minutes. I haven't had arimidex in 3 or 4 days. I got some good night time wood about 3 nights ago. I have to go ahead and get prolactin and E2 checked. Just running on a tight budget.

I don't know. Hard to say. If you have secondary hypogonadism you could give it a try. If it doesn't work, you can go back on TRT.

Your doc should have checked your Prolactin before you went on TRT if you have Secondary. At the same time, it would be good to check now as well.
I tried Caber/Dostinex. It certainly helps, but it's no miracle drug. I think if you already had high libido and no ED issues, it would help by giving you multiple/more intense orgasms; but if you have very low libido, it would at least enable you to at least have sex and an orgasm when combined with Cialis. It is very expensive (like $****** for a .5mg tab), and it possibly causes heart valve problems if used frequently and at higher doses. If you do use it, I would save it for a special night every week or two (1/2 tab, or .25mg), don't just pop it and hope your GF/wife is going to want to have sex that night, as it will be a waste.
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(That last link is probably my favorite study out of the group of studies that I posted...Great in depth info as to the mechanisms that cause the scarring or heart valves.)
Here are some of the not so good looking studies on Caber; there are a ton more out there as well. I don't know why anyone would even consider taking this stuff for more than a few weeks. Just not worth the risk.

My experience with dopamine agonists was shortlived due to DAWS. I had a script for Requip ER. Long story short was that every 4 days or so I would have to bump up the dose .5mg in order to avoid the intense physical pain of DAWS. Tolerance built up quickly each dose bump up and i'd get intense deep muscle and joint pain throughout my whole body...Bottom line was that my brain shut off or slowed down my own dopamine production and I was having to rely on the I metabolized the drug, I would experience the withdrawal...restless legs, physical pain, mood shifts. Overall, it just wasn't that effective. Aside from that, there is a drug out there that is "thought to effect dopamine", but no one knows for sure, and I would consider it a nearly perfect drug. Nuvigil. Aside from it's effects on the brain and alertness, it also works as a nice performance enhancer by increasing O2 levels 15-25% on average.
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