is dbol 20mg worth it, or should I go higher?


New member
I am going to run a 12 week Test E cycle with hcg, arimidex, and proviron on cycle, and nolva/clomid for pct. I am wanting to try dbol for the first 4 weeks but I hear it causes gyno for many and I think I might be a little gyno prone. I have always been extremely low bodyfat all my life and am currently 5'9, 190 lbs, but I have a small trace of gyno from puberty. Its not really noticeable though.
Anyway, I was wondering if dbol for the first 4 weeks of this cycle at 20mg/day is even worth it. Im not looking for size, im just looking for some strength gains up until the test kicks in. But I dont know what dosage of arimidex I should use with it.
Also, if I did a higher dosage like 50mg would that in conjunction with the 500mg test and hcg (which I hear can raise estrogen) be too much for arimidex and proviron to counter? Like I said, I might be prone to gyno if I have a little bit from puberty so I just want to be on the safe side.
20mg of dbol will be noticeable. if you've never cycled before just run test only first. it will allow you learn how gyno prone you may be and how to adjust the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) DOSAGE.

how do you get gyno if your so lean? were you overweight?
No, I have never been overweight, I have always been very lean and put on muscle very easily. I guess maybe I had high test levels as a kid or I was just sensative to the crazy teenage hormones. Idk, but I do have a small lump under each nipple from back then.
20mgs is a little lw even for a first time user. If you got 10mgs tab I would at least start at 30mgs and maybe go up from there.
20mg of dbol will be noticeable. if you've never cycled before just run test only first. it will allow you learn how gyno prone you may be and how to adjust the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) DOSAGE.

how do you get gyno if your so lean? were you overweight?
I agree with you bro 20 mgs is good to kick
20mg dbol is not worth it, it will only fucked up your liver values, go atleast 30 as minimum, 20mg dbol is useful maybe for bridge to help hold gains or to get better pumps before workout.
Well in my experience i will tell you 20 mgs work very good to me im gain good side in less than 3 weeks dbol from BD i never take more than 20 mgs
20mg dbol is not worth it, it will only fucked up your liver values, go atleast 30 as minimum, 20mg dbol is useful maybe for bridge to help hold gains or to get better pumps before workout.
i dont agree with anything you said, about "bridge" abotu 20mg being worthless, about liver, non of it......
I understand everybody on here wanting to be safe and I do agree with you that we should be as safe as we can while doing this stuff. But let's be honest, we all do this stuff cause we want results. And we want them fast. If you start a thread and ask guys what's their average dose when using d Bol or what dose they started out on I would be willing to bet its higher then 20mgs. If we wanted to stay perfectly safe we wouldn't be taking this stuff in the first place. Now I'm not saying jump in at 50mgs, all I'm saying is maybe start at 20 for a few days then slowly work up to 30 and 40. Pay attention to your body and watch for signs. I hate seeing people waist their money and regret how they took a certain drug. Again, no disrespect to anybody on this board, just stating my opinion.