Is GW-501516 still in favor?


New member
I recently read about GW-501516 being effective for people who have trouble losing fat. As in, even when they diet properly and work out properly, their body fights tooth and nail to keep the fat around, instead burning anything and everything else it can first. For those kind of people (not me at all, I am the opposite - most of my life I could not gain weight no matter how many calories I ate), would something like GW-501516 help them, provided they also had a good diet and exercised?
Gw is actually more versatile than people give it credit for. Yes it's Well known for its amazing cardiovascular endurance effects...fat burning...but what it also does is promote MUSCULAR endurance as well. Which means lifting longer in the gym- your muscles will have more endurance to throw the weight around than they usually do, combined with your new cardiovascular's a HUGE benefit to those who aren't necessarily trying to cut weight.

So yes, GW can help if you are looking to ADD muscle as well. :-) combine it with the anabolic Osta and the androgenic S4 to make the triple stack and voila, you got yourself a killer recomp ahead of you.
It's a PPARo agonist so basically it switches your body's preferred fuel source from carbs to fat. So your body will burn fat almost exclusively when exercising. Very similar to the peptide AICAR. GW and AICAR are also known to work very well synergistically.
Just wanted to give an update here. My wife has been running the GW50 for two weeks now, at .75ml per day. She said she is now starting to feel more energy when she does cardio and she is dedicated to keep using it to see where it takes her. I am expressly forbidden from giving out any body measurements at all upon threat of a horrifyingly painful maiming (she is a black belt and can easily main me), but she said she is pleased so far with its progress.

Of course it was purchased from SarmsSearch so I know it is legit. She did say that it is foul tasting but that as long as it is squirted into the back of her mouth for easy swallowing it is fine. It is an never ending source of sexually suggestive joking, which makes it more fun (married for almost 28 years now and we still have fun flirting!). She has already said I need to get another bottle as she does not want to stop using it when she is just now starting to feel results. :)
Just wanted to give an update here. My wife has been running the GW50 for two weeks now, at .75ml per day. She said she is now starting to feel more energy when she does cardio and she is dedicated to keep using it to see where it takes her. I am expressly forbidden from giving out any body measurements at all upon threat of a horrifyingly painful maiming (she is a black belt and can easily main me), but she said she is pleased so far with its progress.

Of course it was purchased from SarmsSearch so I know it is legit. She did say that it is foul tasting but that as long as it is squirted into the back of her mouth for easy swallowing it is fine. It is an never ending source of sexually suggestive joking, which makes it more fun (married for almost 28 years now and we still have fun flirting!). She has already said I need to get another bottle as she does not want to stop using it when she is just now starting to feel results. :)

She will get used to it! lol

Like I've said before in different threads...the way I know GW is working (I run it regularly) is I'll be walking somewhere and I'll feel significantly less winded than I usually do. Example: Say you usually start getting really winded around the 20 minute mark with your cardio. Well...after a bit on GW, you'll look down and see you're at like 35 minutes and you barely feel a thing.

It really is remarkable. When I know I'm gonna be doing cardio, there's no question. GW is included.
Got some GW for my girl recently. She's gonna stack GW and S4 once she's recovered from knee surgery in a month or so. Her first time with any chemicals so I'll be guiding her through it and monitoring her. I'll most likely run a similar stack with her. I wouldn't give my girlfriend any products I didn't trust were safe and legit! Only SarmsSearch for her :)
been running GW for 3 weeks now, 10 mg a day, my girl is doing the same.. As for me it's hard to tell how it's doing cause my endurance is up, plenty of energy in the gym,, but I've got Dbol kicking in right now, NPP kicking in, running deca and test as well.. my girl is getting stronger and keeping up with me in the gym (well to a point), so it must be working for her. she is cutting, I am bulking, so I'm mainly just taking it for the added endurance.

Does anyone get headaches while taking it though ?
been running GW for 3 weeks now, 10 mg a day, my girl is doing the same.. As for me it's hard to tell how it's doing cause my endurance is up, plenty of energy in the gym,, but I've got Dbol kicking in right now, NPP kicking in, running deca and test as well.. my girl is getting stronger and keeping up with me in the gym (well to a point), so it must be working for her. she is cutting, I am bulking, so I'm mainly just taking it for the added endurance.

Does anyone get headaches while taking it though ?

I never can try to lower it to 10 or 15mg per day and see what happens, but you're running quite a few compounds, so it's tough to say what's causing it.
My wife is worried about potential vision sides from S4. At what dose would she get the benefits of S4 but have little to no chance of the sides?
My wife is worried about potential vision sides from S4. At what dose would she get the benefits of S4 but have little to no chance of the sides?

That all depends on the person. I had very mild vision sides, but only when I hit 75mg/day. Even at 100mg/day it was mild at best. Nothing I couldn't ignore easily.
I would rec it over DNP, but would rec clen over gw personally. but its got what some want and thats what matters! just dont cheat on diet, stick to it! : )
Clen and I have different views on what it should do. It wants to kill me and I do not want it to kill it seems we are at an impass. :)