Is it possible for some people to gain little results from a Test E cycle?


New member
Earlier this year i ran a cycle that looked something like this:

Test-E - 12 weeks @ 500mg
D-bol - 4 weeks @ 30mg

The general consensus seems to be that this is a great beginner cycle aimed at making good results. Basically, i started off relatively small by bodybuilding standards and had dieting (3500-4000 calories, 300g protein etc) and training (5 day split, high volume) in check as well as including the necessary supplements and PCT. I had tried my best to make this the most effective and risk free cycle i possibly could one, including myself, had noticed any significant muscle gain, especially for a cycle like this, it seemed as if i had just bulked naturally. The most noticeable change was in my strength though.

Now, question is, can this be expected with some people, all strength and no size, or could the only explanation be i had bunk gear. I had vet grade vials, and scrutinized both checking that the color, oil level and seal were identical and not tinkered with. I see my source every few days and he is certain they are real and claims to have used the same gear before.

Sorry for the long post, but this has had me going crazy for the past few months, i do everything by the book and gear is not cheap down under!
Without blood work there is a chance that your gear is fake. Another reason to get blood work done, esspecially when trying a new brand.

Another possibility is that your diet is off. Str gains count for something but if the required nutrition isn't there you will not grow no matter what. Food is and always will be your #1 anabolic.
1) first cycle should of been just test.
2) blood test should of been done for multiple reasons, includeing purity of gear.
3) gains arnt just diet, the way you workout plays a huge roll.
4) coming up in here with a post like this you need to post stats. Age/height/weight/bf/diet/Ect.
5)PCT protocol/Ai ran on cycle? What was ran? Doses?

And i could be wrong but dbol should of been ran for longer period of time.
IMO its impossible to not gain on a cycle like that, ran the exact same cycle for my first run and gained about 25lb and retained about half of it post pct
even if you're eating maintenance you'd notice weight gain, be it water or lean mass there'll be noticeable gains

best way to be certain is to get blood work

i know gear is not cheap down under but because people get so desperate they settle for anything. I personally know of a few guys who have been know to saturate gear with things like grape seed oil and pass it off to those who don't know any better (or think to get bloods done)
1) first cycle should of been just test.
2) blood test should of been done for multiple reasons, includeing purity of gear.
3) gains arnt just diet, the way you workout plays a huge roll.
4) coming up in here with a post like this you need to post stats. Age/height/weight/bf/diet/Ect.
5)PCT protocol/Ai ran on cycle? What was ran? Doses?

And i could be wrong but dbol should of been ran for longer period of time.


Age: 20
Height: roughly 5'5
Weight: currently 140lbs since cutting on clen and keto. Finished bulk at roughly 155 pounds for a total gain of around 20lbs.
Bf: Finished bulk at around 16%, currently 13-14%


Mostly clean foods consisting of eggs, tuna, meat, chicken, almonds, green vegetables, brown rice, olive oil, oats etc with a little junk food to fill the gaps.

300g protein
150g fat
Carbs would've been reasonable high

Training: 5 day split, high volume - 3 sets x 8-10 reps as well as warm up set and burnout set for a total of 5 sets per exercise.

Hit every muscle once a week, and went up in bench 15kg, squats 30kg, deadlifts 30kg


Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Armidex used when signs of gyno appeared, .25mg eod

Like i said, i gained heaps of strength, which i think was from the dbol but i expected a lot more.

Maybe i just have high standards? Are the gains supposed to significant enough for people to question drug use, as stupid as that sounds.
Sounds like a successful cycle to me. It isn't going to turn you into a Mass Monster right away. To put it in perspective some national level guys cruise at 500 mg a week.
Haha i know how it sounds but 20lbs of gains over 12 weeks can be done naturally, i guess i'm just paranoid.

20 pounds of lean gains in 12 weeks is not natty possible. If you were gifted genetically, a pound a week is about the limit
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Haha i know how it sounds but 20lbs of gains over 12 weeks can be done naturally, i guess i'm just paranoid.

Who the hell filled your head with this bs? If we could gain 20 pounds every 3 months why the hell would any of us cycle. That makes no sense. It would be too risky and a waste of money not to mention the shitty point after you crash. Be happy with your 20 pounds you're only 20 dude.
Haha i know how it sounds but 20lbs of gains over 12 weeks can be done naturally, i guess i'm just paranoid.

I'd choke a bitch to get gains like that naturally or even ON gear. But most guys have an unrealistic expectation of AAS to begin with. 5lbs of lean body mass in a cycle (yes, 5) is very realistic and still very good. Next time you think 20lbs wasn't much, I want you to go to the store and look at the big logs of hamburger in the meat section. Those typically weigh 5 lbs.

Now picture that in your body. ;)
Who the hell filled your head with this bs? If we could gain 20 pounds every 3 months why the hell would any of us cycle. That makes no sense. It would be too risky and a waste of money not to mention the shitty point after you crash. Be happy with your 20 pounds you're only 20 dude.

By 20lbs, i meant overall, not 20lbs of muscle. How much do you think out of that 20lbs would be muscle then?