Is it too late?


New member
What up guys!

I'm not new to the AAS use actually been on and off since 2002. I've been spending a lot of times here and I've actually been learning a lot from you guys. Long story short I started a test cyp and deca ( both by paddock labs ) cycle about 3 weeks almost a month now. Ran test cyp 900mg and deca 700mg. Ran out of my reg test last week so I switched to test 300 by alpha pharm today. I was doing eod on first few weeks and toning it down to 600 on test and 400 on deca for the rest of my cycle doing Monday and Thursday shots.
My questions is , is it too late to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) since I started my cycle already. I never did Aromatase inhibitor (AI) before but did proper post cycle therapy (pct) after cycles. Never had issues with gyno but trying to prevent it and also started to feel the bloating feeling. I just bought some Aromatase inhibitor (AI) stuff from rui.

Thanks for the help guys !
Haha! I agree bhrees to many gyno threads. Last question tho, would liquidex from rui ok too? I just ordered that and also Tamox for my pct.
What do you guys recommend on how much I should do on liquidex? I saw some threads about peeps doing 12.5 on arimidex everyday til their last shot. Will that be sufficient for me too?
What do you guys recommend on how much I should do on liquidex? I saw some threads about peeps doing 12.5 on arimidex everyday til their last shot. Will that be sufficient for me too?
Noooooooooo, you're confusing that with aromasin. .25mg to .5mg EoD is fine for most. Keep an eye out for achy joints and getting really sluggish - those are signs you've gone too far and need to back down the dose as you're crushing your estradiol.
Yea I pulled back my test cyp to 600 and deca at 400 this week
I was doing 900 test 700 deca first month.
So just .5-.25 mg eod.
I was planning to do ed so I'll probably do .5mg if I do that.
Yea I pulled back my test cyp to 600 and deca at 400 this week
I was doing 900 test 700 deca first month.
So just .5-.25 mg eod.
I was planning to do ed so I'll probably do .5mg if I do that.
If you're going ED, I'd start at .25mg. It's FAR easier to lower estrogen levels than to bring them back up!

By the way no signs of achy joints nor sluggish feeling... Tho I do feel bloated. Just in belly area not full body
Bloating is a sign of estrogen levels climbing, definitely need to get on that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) pronto! Be sure to drink LOTS of water to help flush out that excess body water.
Yikes! My liquidex comes in next week. Should I do .25 ed til last shot then

There are different opinions on this, some recommend going right up to post cycle therapy (pct) and others recommend stopping with your last pin. It's hard for me to give personal experience on this since I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and never come off an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), but I do taper down two weeks after my last blast pin as it takes time for the higher levels of test to clear my system.
Sure understood. Thanks so much for your time brutha! I'll probably do it to my last pin then jump to pct 3 days after.
Now I'm kinda frakin out bout my bloating since you mentioned estrogen is rising. So just in case a gyno reaction comes up a week or a few days later, should I still do Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or should I stop cycle then jump straight to pct.
I'm reading thru a lot of thread and seems like everyone is diff and lots of diff advice but not solid ones.
What you think?
Sure understood. Thanks so much for your time brutha! I'll probably do it to my last pin then jump to pct 3 days after.
Now I'm kinda frakin out bout my bloating since you mentioned estrogen is rising. So just in case a gyno reaction comes up a week or a few days later, should I still do Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or should I stop cycle then jump straight to pct.
I'm reading thru a lot of thread and seems like everyone is diff and lots of diff advice but not solid ones.
What you think?

For starters, you don't want to start PCT too soon after you finish pinning as you need your test levels to drop. If you still have elevated testosterone levels during post cycle therapy (pct), that can cause delays in it doing it's job. Don't panic about estrogen levels, just be aware of this potential and take the appropriate action (which you're doing). You can usually reverse early gyno symptoms with proper levels of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) alone, so don't freak out if you start to get nipple sensitivity. I would cross that bridge if you get there as (in my humble opinion) gynecomastia is way overhyped and most of the time it's either water retention or something else causing nipple sensitivity/puffy nipples. If they're SORE without being touched non-stop, then you might have to follow a protocol to reverse it.
Good to know! Hey brutha thanks a lot for the advice and i really appreciate your time!
Hey do you mind if I PM you when I start my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or just update you if there's any concerns? If not totally understand tho hopefully we cross threads again in the future.
Thanks again
Good to know! Hey brutha thanks a lot for the advice and i really appreciate your time!
Hey do you mind if I PM you when I start my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or just update you if there's any concerns? If not totally understand tho hopefully we cross threads again in the future.
Thanks again

My pleasure. I don't mind answering questions man, feel free to ask me in a pm or another thread is fine; you get more replies that way. :)