Is my cycle ok? Or do I need to make some changes....


New member
Ok. Ive just started my third cycle. The first time I was loading up on test took a ton of it..., next time tren e deca and test e. This time I am taking 200mg of test a week, with 50mg tren ace daily. I wanted to keep the side effects low so I am doing this low of test, plus dont really have the cash to get more right now. I figure Ill do an 9 week cycle, first week I took 400mg of test, and started 50 ED tren the second day. Im taking either 25mg clomid, or .3-.5 arimidex daily to hopefully help with any sides from the test turning into estrogen, also because I am still overweight.

My main questions are:
1. should I do less time but 100ED of tren or 75, or is 50ED for 8 weeks better in your opinion?
2. What should I take on cycle, I have arimidex clomid and letro, but no caber or the other related drug. I was thinking 25mg of clomid daily or is this too much?
3. PCT: I was planning a mostly high clomid 200mg for 3 days, 100 for 5 days then 50 a day for two weeks.... is this a good PCT? Last time I took tren e, and Test e, I was taking about 400mg of each a week, with the test going longer than tren. I took only arimidex for the pct because I didnt have clomid at the time thinking I was ok with just arimidex and letro. I got my blood levels tested and they were only like 150 of the 350-1000 range.... So I bought clomid and ate a bunch of it for basically 2 months straight, then Started this cycle.

As far as me Ive been lifting on and off for my entire life, and for the last two years solid, about 6 days a week.

Im trying to decide If I want to bulk as much as possible, or focus on losing fat as you can see in my avatar Im about 25% bodyfat... I used to be way way fatter and less muscle so Im improved from my past greatly, but not near where I want. Is it a bad Idea to load up on tren a and possibly get more, and go on a diet? or should I just eat maintence calories and try to do both lose fat and build a little muscle. Any advice would be great, thank you.
Alright I will do my best here:

Firstly if cash is no problem and its your third cycle, do 800 primo a week (twice)

1. I think 75 tren should do the trick if its your first time on it, run it with test though
2. Order caber and load up a few days before, why wait for the sides?
3. I personally would run nolva, clomid and hcg since we are talking about tren here. 200 clomid seems a bit high.

9 weeks? I dont know think so. You know to be honest, you need more research, thats why no one has responded. Not only confusing, but disturbing since its your third cycle.

I just tried to answer you, lets work this out.
The reasons for the 200mg of clomid is I read some people start with even up to 300mg just random posts around the internet, but I thought that was too much. Just to get a kickstart.

And the reason for the 9week cycle is I have one bottle of 200mg/ml test currently. Took two ml the first week and will take 1ml per week after. I know its not a normal cycle length but thats why I choose that, Im under the impression that a week shouldn't make a difference really either way.