Is my Diet ok??


New member
hay guys, just wondering what you guys think of my meals why i tran.. is it good or should i add more stuff??

This is just mondays meal!!

[ Meal 1 ]
egg whites + 2 slices of toast + 1 cup of coffe

[ Meal 2 ]
Tuna Steak + Brown Rice

[ Pre Workout ]
1 Glass of 90+ Whey Protine ( 1 hr before )

[ Post Workout ]
1 Glass of 90+ Whey Protine

[ Meal 3 ]
Tuna + Pasta+ Mayo

[ Meal 4 ]
1 Glass of 90+ Whey Protine
I guess you are trying to lose weight huh? :afro:

My only question is that i dont see the amounts that you are eating. At a glance though it looks like your diet is very limited.
well thats just one day meal.. im trying to bulk.. so do you think i should add LOTS more stuff!!!! please give me a few tips :P
First off I have no idea what your stats are or what your goals are, but if you want to gain weight I'll tell you what I shove down my throat when Im trying to gain mass.
Typical days food:
5:30am 10oz OJ, 40g Oats, 1 yoplait, 30g micellar matrix, shake

7:00am 3 eggs, 4 slices of bacon, 2 cups of grits, 4 slices of buttered toast

9:30am snack bar of some kind usually a snickers

12:00pm a loaded footlong subway tuna sub and 2 cups of brown rice

1:00pm vitamins

3:00pm preWO drink of cee mixed with 10ozOJ and 40g oats, 40g micellar matrix

5:30pm PostWO drink of 10ozOJ, 60g waxy maize starch and 40g of whey

7:00pm baked half a chicken, 1 big sweet potato with butter and honey, a heap or two of southern style field peas with bacon.

9:30pm 10 OZ whole milk, 40g oats, 3tablespoons honey, 3tablespoons peanut butter, 1 banana and 30g casein mixed up and slurped down before nighty night.

Sleep between 9:45pm and 5:30am

If you want to gain, you have to eat and you have to sleep.
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