Is PEG safe?


New member
I remember reading somewhere (I wish I could remember where) that PEG isn't exactly safe to consume. I see alot of the recipes for converting powders to oral solutions that use PEG. Is this confirmed...that PEG isn't safe? Or does everyone here use it without any problems whatsoever? I'm going to be getting some powder Nolvadex, Clomid, Dianabol, and Aromasin soon and would like to know if I need to order some PEG as well.
Its supposedly safe. It can be found in some oral medications. I hate the stuff though and would never use it. I use plain old alcohol (vodka) to suspend/dissolve my powders.
It sure doesn't taste safe. Damn that shit is nasty.

IIRC, it isn't something of which you would want to inject large quantities.