Is this an overkill for a post work out shake?


I am banned!
Im aiming for 4k calories a day, I am a vegetarian so I dont get alot of protein with out the shakes.
Banana, 20 oz of milk, 2 tbs p.b., mass gainer, 4 egg whites, 1 cup Greek yogurt, Granola.
It all equaled out to about 1450 calories, and 126gr of protein.
for post workout, the main two nutrients you want is carbohydrates and protein.Cut the fat out as it will slow down the lipo burning process.
You want this carb/protein in a quick fix isimialtion drink, so it can fuel your body quick when nutrition uptake is needed asap.I have my post w/o drink almost instantly after workouut, and i dont eat till 50 mins after training.Then i will have a big big slow digesting meal.