Is this diet good?


New member
Ok so, I am changning up my diet finally after being on swole for some time, please 23, 5'8", 210 lbs. 11% bf, trying to get down to 8 or so. Currently running 50 tren ED/500 Test Eth/600 Eq/40 mg's var..I cant hit my trouble areas, does this look good? I take ALA with all carbs..

6:00 am: 45 min. Cardio

7:30 am: 1/2 cup oatmeal and 40g Whey Shake

10:00 am: 60g of protein from canned chicken

1:00 p.m.: 8 oz. lean meat(chicken, steak) and salad or veggies

3:30 p.m.: Whey Shake-a few peanuts

5:45 p.m: 8 oz apple juice

6:30 p.m: Lift

8:00 p.m. 40g whey and 30g dextrose

9:30 p.m: 8 oz. lean meat, 1/4 cup oatmeal and steamed veggies
are you getting enough calories from this???

doesnt canned chicken have alot of salt in it? i would go with frozen chicken.

frozen bag of chicken + george forman grill = :D
I think you need a few more calories in there. Dump the apple juice and canned chicken if your goal is to really cut up. Oh, and don't forget your greens boy!!!!!
Calories?? Break down?

I disagree about the canned chicken. My husband was his absolute leanest when he ate 60 grams of canned chicken every morining for breakfast, so that's probably fine. I'd trade in the apple juice for an apple pre-workout. And it doesn't look like your getting enough healthy fats. Maybe add in a tablespoon of Udo's with that last meal to slow the digestion of your protein for the evening.
THanks you think I should add the UDO with the 1/4 cup of oatmeal? From my knowledge this is something I was told to stay away from but you proabbaly no more than me. Also, Im thinking about T3 but nervous about the possible damage to my thryoid, whats your experience..breakdown is about 2300 calories, 240g protein, 130g carbs, 25g fat
Looking good just get rid of juice, and maybe oatmeal at night..

I would just choose a meat (Fish, Chicken, turkey*, steaks) and a side of veggies 8 times a day... 4 meals with the veggies, 2 melas o carb pro shakes.....
Thats the way im running it this year and hopong to get down to 5-6.

Last year i hit 6-7 so i know it worked wonders for me...

Good luck..