Is This Fake?

ok here is the bad news, I dont think this is clen. This is a low crappy grade supplement fat burner with low amounts of even the real crap in it!! In otherwords you could go to a vitamin shop and buy a high amount of L-tyrosine and get better results. Do you see how they write Clenbuterol-clenn then the little symbol. That is there made up name for some fake suppliment or mix of vitamins and then they brand it some close spelling to the real clenbuterol to get people to think its the same thing. For example, I want to once buy anavar. I found a supplier who insisted they had the real anavar. I saw the picture and it was their version of anavar spelled anevar!! Get the drift.

Now the good news is I am 99.9 percent that this is crap. However the good news is there is that .01 percent I could be wrong.