Is tren worth it?! And is it wise to run it as my first cycle?


New member
Hey, so I'm 21 78kg with 8% bf. have been thinking about running a cycle but not sure which one I should run.
Have seen results my friends have got off tren and the results are great!!

They have said I shouldn't run tren as a first cycle. Are they right?
Cycling at a young age is a terrible idea, and no you don't run tren in your first cycle.

When learning how to drive do you buy a McLAREN P1? No.
Is jumping in front of a train a great idea? - NO!

Firstly, you are too young to be pinning, full stop. If you are struggling to make gains when you're at the peak of your natural testosterone levels, then you need to address your diet, your training and your intensity levels. AAS shouldn't even be on the agenda.

If you STILL disobey all the advice you'll shortly get on here anyway and go ahead with a cycle - then Tren should be the LAST compound that you play with.

Your first cycle should be Testosterone ONLY!

But I'll say this again... do NOT cycle at your age! - You have the full use of what God gave you... use it! Educate yourself with regard to diet, training and supplementation. Leave AAS for another day.
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