Is TRT worth it if you're low-average on testosterone?


New member
Hello people,

I'm 20 years old and I have testosterone levels that fluctuate from as low as 300 ng/dl up to 500 ng/dl. I've taken a lot of blood tests (like 5 or something) and tipically a morning blood test for me comes back at 450 ng/dl with a good night of rest. The weird thing is that my highest result of 500 ng/dl happened after a period of eating like shit and not training at all. In my case working out doesn't seem to matter at all. the only thing that does matter for my levels seems to be sleep since my lowest test of 300 ng/dl happened after a night where i only slept like two hours. Anyway, It's safe to say that my morning testosterone levels are typically around 450 ng/dl naturally. I really allways wondered wheter or not this levels is normal or not. My doctor never wanted to prescribe me any testosterone, but when I went to an urologist and it came back at 350 ng/dl he said: "wow, that's really low for your age, it should be around 1000 ng/dl." But he also said that a level of 450 ng/dl would be perfectly normal for me.. Now I'm still really confused about this and want to know wheter or not I would benefit from TRT at all. Honestly, I don't like accepting the fact that my levels fluctuate around the bottom of the range. I've tried to get over it and tell myself that my levels are fine and it's not the cause of my problems, but I'm really not so sure. I've been having trouble with anxiety and depression since puberty and my motivation has allways been lacking. I have trouble getting up in the morning because I feel like it's not worth it. On top of that I just feel so random most of the time. I have no mental energy even though I'm now on SSRI. Also, my body compositions are weird.. I have wide hips, skinny wrists and narrow shoulders. I do have a beard but it's very thin. I have no problems with libido or erections, but I DO have peyronie's disease (comfirmed by doctor) wich is also linked to low levels of male hormones (DHT as well as testosterone). I might not be the perfect candidate for TRT but I guess all I want to know is if raising my levels to 1000 ng/dl would actually make a difference in the way I feel and look. I hope you guys can understand why this is on my mind and yes I know I'm 20 and I know TRT is very difficult to do right, but I would at least like to know if it would even be worth it to look any further into this. (sorry for my bad english I'm dutch)
It's difficult to say man. I had a very clear-cut decision to make personally as my natural production was at a whopping 120ng/dL with the luck of being primary hypogonadal. I honestly didn't feel better until I broke the 700ng/dL mark either.

I think you have some more testing to go through first. I'd want to know WHY you dip so low, and if it's a case of secondary (problem lies somewhere other than your testes) - can it be treated with a restart protocol.

I know that this might seem like the magic bullet for your problems, and it might be - but you really want to exhaust all other avenues before making a life-long commitment to the needle. I'd probably work with that urologist to investigate further as he may be better educated than the first doctor, or at least guide you to one that can meet your needs.

My .02c :)
It's very difficult here in Holland. Actually, I can't even get an LH/FSH test or free T test since my doc thinks it's a waste of time and blood. The urologist who thought my levels where low enough to treat told me he would only be able to give me androgel without HCG (he probably thinks it's a waste) and when I suggested shots he said he won't do that as a once per month shot (who does once a month anyway?!) will give me an "overdose" of testosterone. Doctor's here don't seem to know much about/care enough for TRT. By the way, I tried clomid just to see what it would do to my levels, but before I even got the chance to measure my levels I had to come off because my vision got affected. I still have floaters because of it so a restart is probably not an option for me. Thank's for your reply though halfwit.
Hello people,

I'm 20 years old and I have testosterone levels that fluctuate from as low as 300 ng/dl up to 500 ng/dl. I've taken a lot of blood tests (like 5 or something) and tipically a morning blood test for me comes back at 450 ng/dl with a good night of rest. The weird thing is that my highest result of 500 ng/dl happened after a period of eating like shit and not training at all. In my case working out doesn't seem to matter at all. the only thing that does matter for my levels seems to be sleep since my lowest test of 300 ng/dl happened after a night where i only slept like two hours. Anyway, It's safe to say that my morning testosterone levels are typically around 450 ng/dl naturally. I really allways wondered wheter or not this levels is normal or not. My doctor never wanted to prescribe me any testosterone, but when I went to an urologist and it came back at 350 ng/dl he said: "wow, that's really low for your age, it should be around 1000 ng/dl." But he also said that a level of 450 ng/dl would be perfectly normal for me.. Now I'm still really confused about this and want to know wheter or not I would benefit from TRT at all. Honestly, I don't like accepting the fact that my levels fluctuate around the bottom of the range. I've tried to get over it and tell myself that my levels are fine and it's not the cause of my problems, but I'm really not so sure. I've been having trouble with anxiety and depression since puberty and my motivation has allways been lacking. I have trouble getting up in the morning because I feel like it's not worth it. On top of that I just feel so random most of the time. I have no mental energy even though I'm now on SSRI. Also, my body compositions are weird.. I have wide hips, skinny wrists and narrow shoulders. I do have a beard but it's very thin. I have no problems with libido or erections, but I DO have peyronie's disease (comfirmed by doctor) wich is also linked to low levels of male hormones (DHT as well as testosterone). I might not be the perfect candidate for TRT but I guess all I want to know is if raising my levels to 1000 ng/dl would actually make a difference in the way I feel and look. I hope you guys can understand why this is on my mind and yes I know I'm 20 and I know TRT is very difficult to do right, but I would at least like to know if it would even be worth it to look any further into this. (sorry for my bad english I'm dutch)

I think it may be beneficial for you to have a CBC with Differential, a ********* profile, and hormone profile to see everything. Before deciding to be on TRT, you may want to make sure all your vitamins and minerals, electrolytes, and everything else is dialed in. If not, dial it in, and see if that brings up your testosterone. Also, many around here suggest a sleep study, as poor sleep quality can lower levels.

I'm not an SSRI expert, but I think SSRI's can potentially effect Test levels, although I don't believe there is hard scientific evidence of that.
It's very difficult here in Holland. Actually, I can't even get an LH/FSH test or free T test since my doc thinks it's a waste of time and blood. The urologist who thought my levels where low enough to treat told me he would only be able to give me androgel without HCG (he probably thinks it's a waste) and when I suggested shots he said he won't do that as a once per month shot (who does once a month anyway?!) will give me an "overdose" of testosterone. Doctor's here don't seem to know much about/care enough for TRT. By the way, I tried clomid just to see what it would do to my levels, but before I even got the chance to measure my levels I had to come off because my vision got affected. I still have floaters because of it so a restart is probably not an option for me. Thank's for your reply though halfwit.

I would see if there is a doctor that's willing to actually work with you. I do know some SSRI drugs can impact estradiol, which can then impact testosterone - the question is whether or not you're on the SSRI because of borderline low testosterone, or if it's causing it. This is why I feel it's important to get your LH and FSH checked, they will give some insight into what's going on at least.

Worst case scenario, you try the gel and see if it works to alleviate your symptoms. If it does, you know you're on the right track. Keep in mind that there are plenty of reasons why a gel shouldn't be prescribed too; like having a female that you risk contaminating or children in your household. A doctor cannot prescribe it if this is a potential hazard - which should land you on the shots.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, nobody should go through life feeling miserable all the time. :(
I wouldn't do TRT right away. Reasons: It's difficult and complicated to manage - injections and blood tests for the rest of your life. It is for life because you will lost the ability to produce your normal testosterone - you can't change your mind after a few years if you decide TRT is not the answer. TRT is not the cure for everything. You will still have issues. Your current levels are below average, but no enough to be causing all your problems.

That said, I am on TRT for almost 2 years and I love the feeling from having test levels at 1000 to 1100. But I am 72 years old and my test level was at 270.
Thank you all for responding. The SSRI isn't causing my low levels, I know this because I've been on them for only 2/3 months now and I had blood tests before I started taking them. I also told my psychiatrist that it might not be a good idea to give me SSRI since it can impact testosterone levels, but he said there is no evidence it does. He also thinks that there is nothing wrong with my testosterone levels, so that's frustrating. I think I'll just try to contact more urologist and try to get them to at least look further into this.
just do it!
Made me so happy to increase my testosterone from 200 to 800. I feel sharp and women love me.