Its time


New member
Hey guys-
So Im basically set on starting my first ph cycle. heres my stats-
20 years old
been working out since high school ( 2 1/2 years)
pretty solid diet 3,000+ cals a day.

Heres my cycle info;
helladrol (mr supps) or forged extreme mass (sounds fun)
forged liver
*need some natty test booster.

what do you gents think?
Hey guys-
So Im basically set on starting my first ph cycle. heres my stats-
20 years old
been working out since high school ( 2 1/2 years)
pretty solid diet 3,000+ cals a day.

Heres my cycle info;
helladrol (mr supps) or forged extreme mass (sounds fun)
forged liver
*need some natty test booster.

what do you gents think?

What you have there is Halo(Helladrol) and LMG + Superdrol(Extreme Mass).

Halo is one of the lightest PH's on the market, easy to start in with and learn with.

The other two are heavy hitters, harsher with more gains but also more side effects. And its a cocktail steroid so you will likely not know which one is doing what to you if its a first time.

Now that the basics are out. At 20 years old, you do not need this. Your already producing quite enough testosterone.

If you want gains, you should only need a spot on diet, self control, dedication in the gym, 8 hours sleep, and a mindset to wrap all that up.

If i may ask, give me an exact list of what you eat on a daily bases. Saturday, what did you eat?

Under 21 your not supposed to take it. Not just because the bottle says so, but because your body is capable as is at the moment.

At 165 I can believe your pretty solid and ripped. I am 5'10 and when I am in Primo shape I weight about 165, but I look at least in the 180s.

3,000 cal + a day is an impressive amount of food(I struggled to hit 3000 on a clean diet). As I said, list off what you eat. Protein amount, fat, calories, carbs.

Also, what routine are you doing in the gym? Time spent there, weight and reps?

This seems like alot, but it is because I think you should be advised on your lifting/diet. Not told to take steroids.

I am a rep for a company half those products belong to...lets be honest here, if I tell you to take care of your health and sit this one out I surely have reason to do so and its because my judgement says this is not what is best for you as a person, fellow lifter, and brother of the Iron.
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What you have there is Halo(Helladrol) and LMG + Superdrol(Extreme Mass).

Halo is one of the lightest PH's on the market, easy to start in with and learn with.

The other two are heavy hitters, harsher with more gains but also more side effects. And its a cocktail steroid so you will likely not know which one is doing what to you if its a first time.

Now that the basics are out. At 20 years old, you do not need this. Your already producing quite enough testosterone.

If you want gains, you should only need a spot on diet, self control, dedication in the gym, 8 hours sleep, and a mindset to wrap all that up.

If i may ask, give me an exact list of what you eat on a daily bases. Saturday, what did you eat?

Under 21 your not supposed to take it. Not just because the bottle says so, but because your body is capable as is at the moment.

At 165 I can believe your pretty solid and ripped. I am 5'10 and when I am in Primo shape I weight about 165, but I look at least in the 180s.

3,000 cal + a day is an impressive amount of food(I struggled to hit 3000 on a clean diet). As I said, list off what you eat. Protein amount, fat, calories, carbs.

Also, what routine are you doing in the gym? Time spent there, weight and reps?

This seems like alot, but it is because I think you should be advised on your lifting/diet. Not told to take steroids.

I am a rep for a company half those products belong to...lets be honest here, if I tell you to take care of your health and sit this one out I surely have reason to do so and its because my judgement says this is not what is best for you as a person, fellow lifter, and brother of the Iron.

yea i appreciate the honesty. Okay so my diet for today, saturday, was as follows-
morning- 3 eggs boiled, toast, orange juice, banana and a multi of course.
mid day- granola bars, pastrami sandwich.and some waters.
-pre workout-
hydro whey, with oatmeal packet.
-post gym.
up your mass weight gain shake, 3 by 3 from in n out with some fries.
2 chicken breasts, white rice, and some potatoes.

The only reason I'm considering PH's is because I'm looking to take it up a notch. all my friends tell me i look at least 175 but i don't feel it. Im in college so i do drink that could be affecting my weight gain. i work out hard, and was just thinking helladrol would give me that extra 10 pounds I'm trying to get to.
yea i appreciate the honesty. Okay so my diet for today, saturday, was as follows-
morning- 3 eggs boiled, toast, orange juice, banana and a multi of course.
mid day- granola bars, pastrami sandwich.and some waters.
-pre workout-
hydro whey, with oatmeal packet.
-post gym.
up your mass weight gain shake, 3 by 3 from in n out with some fries.
2 chicken breasts, white rice, and some potatoes.

The only reason I'm considering PH's is because I'm looking to take it up a notch. all my friends tell me i look at least 175 but i don't feel it. Im in college so i do drink that could be affecting my weight gain. i work out hard, and was just thinking helladrol would give me that extra 10 pounds I'm trying to get to.

Your meals don't look too bad, but dietetics is not my purest point.

Hella would help you with that 10, but you can do it naturally. Drinking can lag people a bit depending how much you do it.

How much sleep do you get, and how is your gym routine?
Your meals don't look too bad, but dietetics is not my purest point.

Hella would help you with that 10, but you can do it naturally. Drinking can lag people a bit depending how much you do it.

How much sleep do you get, and how is your gym routine?

My gym routine is pretty solid in my opinion.
Low reps, high weight, with some drop sets in between. I go at least 4 times a week for about 1.5-2 hours. minimal cardio.
I sleep like a bear. 8-9 hours a night.
>>I just dont know whats stopping me from getting to that 170-175 mark. Its getting annyoing putting in all this work and im just getting strength gains but not mass.
My stats are as follows-
bench-265/275 max depends on the day.
squat- 275 usually where i struggle( soccer legs)
clean/ push press- 165
deadlift-225 rep comfortably
Wouldnt i be safe taking Hella and using the required post cycle therapy (pct) like forma and forged liver? or would i need a serm as well

Every ones routine is "Solid" in their own opinion :angel2: lol j/k

Technically you could be perfectly safe doing Hella, its just not recommended because of the age. I always recommend a Serm, and generally always Clomid for its stimulation effects on getting the body going again.

In all reality the ironic part is a younger person will usually bounce back from the suppression better than an older person will :doggy:

I have seen Halodrol done with OTC post cycle therapy (pct)s, its all preference and what your willing to risk.

You ever hear of Optimum Volume Training?

T NATION | Optimized Volume Training

I will definitely be here to help you, or you could PM even if you need help if you choose to do the Helladrol. But I encourage you to give that routine a 1-2 month shot first.
Every ones routine is "Solid" in their own opinion :angel2: lol j/k

Technically you could be perfectly safe doing Hella, its just not recommended because of the age. I always recommend a Serm, and generally always Clomid for its stimulation effects on getting the body going again.

In all reality the ironic part is a younger person will usually bounce back from the suppression better than an older person will :doggy:

I have seen Halodrol done with OTC PCTs, its all preference and what your willing to risk.

You ever hear of Optimum Volume Training?

T NATION | Optimized Volume Training

I will definitely be here to help you, or you could PM even if you need help if you choose to do the Helladrol. But I encourage you to give that routine a 1-2 month shot first.

Thanks bro, i honestly appreciate it. My friends have all taken shit but done it the wrong way, no pct or horrible stacks, im just trying to do it right if i decide to.
> im kind of confused though, isnt forma a SERM? What would be an ideal pct for hella.

And that volume training looks pretty good. Im gonna give it a try next monday when im done with this weeks training.