Joined just to log this Epi-strong cycle


New member
Hi all. I've been reading around on here for a bit but never joined. Well, I recently ordered epi-strong to run my first prohormone cycle and thought I'd log it for you all here as so many others have unknowingly helped me in my search for a good prohormone to run on my first cycle. I plan on updating this weekly but I'm a pretty busy dude so if I get behind my apologies but I will come thru!

So lets begin with a little info.

I'm 24 yo, 6 foot tall 178 lbs roughly 12% bf. I'm just coming off a 10 week mini cut of sorts where I dropped 10 lbs. I've been weightlifting for roughly 4 years but only began trying to gain size the last 19months. I was always a skinny guy but relatively strong. 19 months ago I was 135 lbs and still had a 1rm on bench at 180.

bench: 235
squat: 315 atg
leg press: 865
dl:300 ( not very good at these lol )
db curl: idk 1rm but I can do 5 reps of great form 45 lb standing curls freshly warmed up.

Here's my split. Mind you, it's written in sand as I tend to base my workouts around how my body actually feels that day. I plan on posting all my workouts of the week at the end of the week.

Mon: Chest/ Bi ( focus on compound movements) at least 3 exercises per body part 10-15 reps per set.
Tue: Back/tris ( same focus and goal as chest/bi)
Wed: heavy Legs- light shoulders - At least 8 sets of squats 10-15 reps per set + 6 sets of ham curls 10-15. 2 shoulder excerces 4 sets each 10-15 reps per set.
Thurs: Chest/Bi ( Isolation movements) Same set and rep scheme as monday)
Friday: Back/tris ( Isolation movements and same set/rep scheme as tuesday)
Sat: light legs/ heavy shoulder( 6 supersets of ham curls and leg extensions 15-25 reps and 12 sets of shoulder exercises 10-15 reps.

I will also be throwing in Calves and Ab exercises as I feel fit throughout the workouts.

The products I will be using during this cycle and pct

Epistrong at 30/45/45/45
preworkout : 3 gr beta alanine, 1.5 gr agmatine sulfate, 5 gr creatine mono, 300 mg caffeine, 10 mg dmaa, taurine gr.
post workout protein: elite labs usa muscle mass gainer
Cycle support : AI sports nutrition Life and Iron labs cycle support 1 dose of each daily.
joint support: muscles feasts cissus at 2 grams per day and walgreens brand glucosamine/msm blend

Post Cycle:
Formastanzol 5 pumps twice daily
Iron Labs PCT Extreme 4 capsules daily
DAA 3 grams twice daily for 2 weeks then off 4 days then start again.
bulk supersaponins 4 grams daily
post workout protein: elite labs 100% iso
preworkout: mutate nation albutarex half serving and muscle warfare's thermofuse au version half serving.
joint support :muscles feasts cissus at 2 grams per day and walgreens brand glucoasmine/msm blend

Planned Diet
I plan on intaking 3000 calories a day for the first week and see how that goes. I plan to intake at least 250 grams of protein a day, stay below 300 grams of carbs and get the rest of my calories from healthy fats. I'll try and post my calorie intake and macronutrient ratio for each week as I go along.
My phone broke recently and am waiting for a new one to get in so I can upload recent pics. It might be a few days into the cycle but I'm doubting it'll be much different than where I am now.

I got the epi in yesterday evening and am trying to decide if I want to start taking it now or go ahead and wait till sunday or monday. I've read that most people don't start seeing results until a week or week and a half in and figure it's just about getting it in my blood constantly so starting at the end of the workout week shouldn't hurt.

If anyone has any suggestions, critiques, what have you I wouldn't mind them at all. Please try to make them constructive though.
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Little update. I decided to go ahead and start taking the epi strong yesterday. I woke up early this morning, popped a pill had some oats and went to the gym. My split was messed up due to the holidays so I ended up just doing a light full body work out without keepin track of lifts and spent a good 20 minutes on a foam roller to try to work all the knots out my body. Resting tomorrow then monday gonna hit it hard. It'll be my fourth day on so I'm hopin I might feel some effects. Diet was spot on yesterday. 288 grams of protein 275 grams of carbs and 80 grams of fat. First day of diet is always easiest though lol Oh, and as soon as I find my measuring tape I'm gonna put some measurements up. Well, that is all for now. Look for another update monday.
chances are you wont really notice a hell of a lot until after week 2, maybe even a little later
Just got back from my first real workout on the epi. Did Chest and Biceps. I want to mention something about my form on bench press. I know the weights will probably seem low but I really focus on using only my pecs to move the weights, keeping my elbows tucked in close to the side. I honestly feel no contraction in my arms during bench ( not to say there isn't any just doesn't seem noticeable ) I also do what i call upsets that are similar to a drop set, I do a weight I could get 15 times for 10 reps then go up a weight immediately for at least 8 reps.The idea is that the fatigue and increase in weights will make my body activate more motor neurons simultaneously but since it's not a lot heavier weights and can do multiple reps can recruit hopefully all muscle fiber types. Just my theory. If anyone has anyone opinions on this I'd love to discuss it more. Moving on. here's my workout

Bench: 3 warm up sets of 75x15 reps. (135x14) (145x14) (155x12) (165x12) Upset (175x7)
Dumbbell Curls (25x20) (30x14x14) (35x10x7)
Incline Chest Press ( 100x18) (120x12) (140x10)
Incline DB Fly ( 30x18) (40x12x10)
EZ Bar Close Grip Curl (50x15x15x15) Wide Grip (50x10x10x10)
Close Grip Bench ( 95x15) (115x15) (125x13x12)
Hammer Curls (20x14) (25x14x13)

I stepped on the scale after my work out. The last three weeks I had been below 1.7k cal a day with only 50 grams of carbs and after three days of 3k cal with nearly 300 gr of carbs I'm up to 181 lbs thanks to the water retention but can still see me abs decently. Tomorrow is back and triceps.
Well it's 4:40 here and I'm already up to 3200 calories for the day. I've just been insanely hungry to where I felt like I was gonna pass out if I didn't eat soon.Don't know if it's due to the epi or just because I've been on a deficit for ten weeks and my body is loving all these extra calories and carbs.

I'm also debating on going a head and starting the 45 mg dose today as that would make the whole cycle last exactly 31 days. Though, I don't know if upping the dose this early would do any good. Any thoughts? I'm gonna try and decide if I wanna take it in the next few hours.
Day 5 So I went ahead and stuck with the 30 mg dose. Today was back and tris. I felt real strong today. Seem like I'm a little more vascular on my arms and legs, but retainin water on me lower abs from all the carbs. Gonna cut the carbs to under 200 and see if I drop some water retention, also afraid I'll get faaaat. lol I accidentally left my workout book at the gym so I'll post the workout tomorrow. Tomrrow gonna kill me some squats. Thursday I'm gonna start taking the 45 mg dose and run that for 4 and a half weeks. It's goin pretty well so far, hoping to see some real improvements in this next couple weeks.
Happy New Year everybody. Woke up this morning and killed me some squats. I feel like I'm gettin real deep sleep. Something different than usual is I'm actually real sore from yesterdays workout. I usually never got very sore at all but I can really feel it in my triceps today. Here's the workouts from yesterday and today.

Tuesday Back and Tricep

Bent Over reverse grip barbell rows: (95x15) (105x15) (115x12) (125x10)
Lat Pull Downs ( 160x12) (180x10x10) Drop Set (160x8)
Dumbbell Skiull crushers ( 30x15x15x12)(35x10)
Pullovers (70x12) (75x10) (85x6)
Barbell shrugs ( 110x22)(160x15x15)
Calf extensions single leg ( 60x20) (70x20)(80x18) (85x16)
Tricep Push Downs Single arm (22.5x12x12x10)
Lawn mower pulls ( 50xx12) (60x12)
Incline DBSC (25x15x15)

Jan 1st Legs and Shoulders.
Couldn't start off on squats today cause a group of frat boys were doing upper body in the sole squat rack at my gym so I started off with leg press.

Leg Press (370x15) (460x12) (510x12) (560x10) (590x10)
Ham Curls (120x12) (130x12x12) (160x9)
Shoulder Press ( 45x12x12) (50x10)
Lateral raise (25x12x12x12) (30x10)
Squats (155x18) (185x10x10) (225x10)

Felt real good today. Going to start the 45 mg dose tomorrow and run that for the remainder of the bottle. Have a good day everyone
So it's been a few days since I updated, been busy on the job hunt. Cycle is going well. Libido is through the roof, wakin up with mornin wood every morning as opposed to my rather random mw schedule before lol so that's good, i guess. I upped my protein to 300 grams and dropped my carbs to 225 ish. I feel just as energized and have less water retention which makes me feel better bout myself. Here's the workouts since the first.

Jan 2nd
Chest and bi
Pec Fly (30x20) (35x15) (40x12)
Seated dumbbell curls ( 25x12x12x12)

Incline Flys (30x18) (35x14x11)

ezbar reverse grip curls ( 40x20x16x13)
wrist curls (50x20x20x20)

One arm dumbbell bench press (50x10) (55x10) (60x10) (65x10)
Concentration curls (35x10x10x10)
Jan 3rd Back and Triceps
Dumbbell Rows (35x15) (45x15) (60x15)
db skull crushers (30x12x12x12x12)
calf extension single leg ( 65x20) (70x20) (90x20) (110x18) (130x15)
High Row (90x10x10)
Lat Pull Down ( 100x18) Upset (120x10)
DB Shrugs (70x20) (80x20) (90x18) (100x10)
Tricep Kickbacks (25x10x10)
Jan 4th Shoulders and Legs
db Front raise (15x15) (20x15) (25x15x12)
Arnold Press db( 30x19) (35x15) (40x15)
Shoulder db Press (45x12x12) (50x10)
Ham curls (90x12)(100x12)(110x10)(130x10)
Db lunges (40x20) (45x15) (50x12)
Lateral Raise (30x10x10x10)
Jan 6th
Chest and Bi
Bench Press (135x15) (155x10) (165 x10) (135x10 ) Upset (155 x 8 ) (165x8)
Db Curls (30x12x12x12) (20x10) upset (30x9)
Flys (50x10) (55x10)
Incline db press (55x12) (65x10)
Incline fly (30x10x10)
ez bar curls (60x15x10x9)

I weighed in at 182.9 today. Don't seem to be adding much if any fat, abs seem to be just as visible as before. I'll try to get some progress picks up by the end of the week. I'll also try to update this a bit more often. Thanks for following along.