Juicing (with vegetables)

el musculo

New member
MY girlfriend recently bought a juicer. It surprisingly makes really delicious vegetable juices. I've been using it a lot lately rather than eating my veggies. Does anybody else use a juicer and have any beneficial juicing recipes?

Add 3 carrots, 1 apple, 1 cc winstrol, 1 pear.
Juice and enjoy!
C'mon you expected one of these, right?
MY girlfriend recently bought a juicer. It surprisingly makes really delicious vegetable juices. I've been using it a lot lately rather than eating my veggies. Does anybody else use a juicer and have any beneficial juicing recipes?


I had one a while ago and used it all the time. Carrot juice is really awesome tasting. And I hate raw carrots. Little bit of a pain to clean tho. I'm gunna try one of those nutri bullet things.
My girlfriend and I also bought a juicer and it is amazing!! Every morning we blend 4 carrots, 3 cucumbers, 1 squash, broccoli and just a bit of celery. It is delicious and super healthy!