Just finished first cycle and pct


New member
28 years old
Pre-cycle weight 225 12% bf
Post-cycle weight 255 15% bf

This was my first cycle so I went with the most basic setup. 500mg Test E for 10 weeks. PCT was just Clomid for 4 weeks. 100/50/25/25

Just finished off my clomid today. My current weight is 249 lbs with around 15% bf. I'm really excited to start cutting and get down to around 235 but I don't know how soon is too soon. I keep reading and see multiple points of view on the subject.

Can I start cutting calories and up my cardio now?

Or should I maintain my weight and start another cycle in 4 weeks and cut on Test?

Last question. I had to buy something cheap to get over the minimum order limit and bought 2 packs of Oxymetholone IH 50. I didn't take any my first cycle and just was wondering if I can kickstart my 2nd cycle with a very low dose of around 25mg or 50mg a day. Appreciate the advice.
You need to get bloods done 2-3weeks after last pct treatment. Until then assume you are still deficient. People sometimes relapse after PCT and get a spike in estrogen among other things. FOCUS ON YOUR DIET.....Food is the most anabolic thing out there.