Just got Melanotan II in the mail...


New member
And I'm nervous. I'm of Spanish descent but pretty pale, blonde, blue eyes. I need to darken up a bit. I got two 10mg vials of Melanotan II and they've been sitting on my dresser for about a week now. I don't have the seringes or BAC water yet and I haven't ordered them yet. I'm about 22 years old, I've never done drugs, never drank alcohol, never smoked, never injected myself with anything... so this is a pretty big thing for me.

Are there any life threatening risks known? I heard about someone developing a mole under their skin near their eye, now having to be observed for the rest of their life??? But I also heard it's in stage 3 clinical trials, which usually means a drug is safe, right? I've heard of birth marks growing (or darkening), luckily for me, I don't really have many of those but one VERY small basically unnoticeable one to the bottom right of my right eye. Brown spots? Scars? Any info anybody has is appreciated, especially from those of you who've used it for an extended period of time. Also, does usage of this make it easier for your body's melanin production without future use? I heard from somebody that if you use Melanotan II, and stop after a while, but keep tanning, you stay dark because your body can produce more melanin now or some shit, I don't know, just saying what I heard. Thanks again.
Do some research on this. Theres plenty of info on the net. You need to keep the vials in the fridge, especially after recon. You need to get bac water and insulin syringes.
I thought you only needed to keep them in the fridge after mixing with bac water.

you should always keep in fidge. if you have a freezer WITHOUT the standerd freez-thaw cycle or a deep freez fridge, then if in powder i rec to keep in there. but at the least in the fridge.
DONT put in normal freezer unless freez-thaw is truned off. and DONT freez once mixed.
Just keep it in fridge
good luck.