Just seeking opinions...


New member
I am 8 days into an 8 week anavar 70mg/ed clen, 2 week on/2 off, cycle and want to see some quick opinions based on experience as to what to add to it. I should have decided this before hand, but I didn't(bring on the 'rookie' and 'newbie' chiding...Haha!) I am seeing small results as far as increased strength already but I feel as my first cycle I should add a stronger androgenic mid cycle, as some have private messages me to do so. My source carries damn near everything and price is not really an option. I am looking to drop body fat a bit and increase overall strength to improve performance at the sports I play.

9.7% bf(want to be closer to 7)
Lift with a trainer 4 days a week, and doing cardio 4 days a week.

Diet is solid as I am working with a nutritionist as well. Opinions backed with detailed experience would be fantastic. Thanks boys.
you need to run test as the base. always test high or equivalent androgen. avoid clen at all costs, that stuff can turn bad for you quickly. I'd recommend 400-500mg's of test for 10 weeks and drop the clen... that shit will only dry you out and fuck up your cardio system. no magic pill is going to burn fat off you, if it would EVERY fat person on sensa and jenny craig would be on clen.
Yes as said above you need test with any aas cycle. If you can get some quick I would throw in test prop this cycle so that it will kick in the quickest and get your bloods up ASAP
definatly get the prop if you can id probablly stop your cycle as your only 8 days in wait get all the nessaries like your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), pct meds and supports and then run a 10 wk prop cycle with 6-8 wks of var starting mid cycle and running to end.
remember youll need a decent post cycle therapy (pct), an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), possibly testicuarsupport.
Run the prop 100mg eod and youll be sweet.

if you can get all you need quickly than just thro in the prop and go with it but ensure you know what your doing and if your running var at 70mg/day (good dose btw) for 8 wks youll nedd some liver support like n2guard, liv 52, forged liver etc your insisdes will thank you ;)