New member
I am 8 days into an 8 week anavar 70mg/ed clen, 2 week on/2 off, cycle and want to see some quick opinions based on experience as to what to add to it. I should have decided this before hand, but I didn't(bring on the 'rookie' and 'newbie' chiding...Haha!) I am seeing small results as far as increased strength already but I feel as my first cycle I should add a stronger androgenic mid cycle, as some have private messages me to do so. My source carries damn near everything and price is not really an option. I am looking to drop body fat a bit and increase overall strength to improve performance at the sports I play.
9.7% bf(want to be closer to 7)
Lift with a trainer 4 days a week, and doing cardio 4 days a week.
Diet is solid as I am working with a nutritionist as well. Opinions backed with detailed experience would be fantastic. Thanks boys.
9.7% bf(want to be closer to 7)
Lift with a trainer 4 days a week, and doing cardio 4 days a week.
Diet is solid as I am working with a nutritionist as well. Opinions backed with detailed experience would be fantastic. Thanks boys.