Katanadrol v 3.0 First cycle ever dont wanna die Advice?


New member
Really need some help thanks in advance.


6Ft 210 lbs 17.5% Body Fat

I wanna gain some but most improtant lose some of this damn bf.

Should i eat 500cals bleow maintance while cycling or what?

macros are about protien 200gs 40% charbs 30% fat 30% ive been eating about 2500kals aday.


Katandrol 2 pills a day
Need2slin rec dosage
Forged burner 2 pills a day
Hcgenerate should i takes this through out or just pct?
Forma Stanzol 2 times aday through out

Forged Post Cycle
Your only going to die if you take the whole bottle at once. lol If you really want to die though I recomend finding one of those specialy formulated complexes containing 5 of the strongest pro hormones all in one pill. I think it even states guarneteed to make your eyes turn yellow on the back. ha ha ha ha Just a little dark humor.
I though Forma Stanzol was good for the serm? If not what is this serm you speak of?

Also should I take hcgenerate the whole cycle or just for pct?

Finally should I eat below maintance while on this stuff or right at it or over???

Thanks Broskiis for the help.