Katanadrol 3.0 Loggers needed for MrSupps Product

it appears to be a very stackable ph/ds from what I've read but solid results can be had solo too it looks like from a few of the logs I've seen out there so far
Stumbled upon this forum while looking for reviews and logs of the new product. Was about to purchase 2 bottles from Mr.Sups. Posted in the other topic as well. Would love to do a log for you guys. I have run ph cycles before and looking to lose bf % this time around.


23 yrs old
Personal Trainer
Yeah got some last wk. Unfortunately got strep and pneumonia. I will put a thread here shortly with my cycle and stats. I hope to start next week.
I'm 23. Have done Dbol/Test Cyp and did Halotest-25 and h-drol and i am currently 5'11" 205lbs and 9-10% BF. I would happily try your product and log a cycle of 30 days. Thanks!