Keeping a minimum of bloat before using AI


New member
Heya, Im into week 4 of my first Test E cycle at 600mg/week.

I've got no side effects at all since the beginning; I dont get gyno, mood swings. Maybe a little acne on the back but im prone to acne anyway. Keeping it under control using Clindoxyl.

Anyway, Im wondering if its good to keep a minimum of bloat(water retention) before considering the use of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I can feel a little water retention in my foot(toes) and in my hands when I close it. It is very minimal but I can still notice the change. I've heard that oestrogen is good for gains, should I wait until it gets worse then use my adex?

I barely dont eat any sodium, and try to avoid it as much as possible.

Thanks for your help

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