Know Your Supplements My Friends


New member
as much as i love protein bars (i could probably live off of them...), i only eat pharmacutical grade ones nowadays......did you know that about 98% of the the supplements(pills, vitamins, proteins, energy pills....pretty much anything at nutrition stores) on the market are not FDA tested and regulated......think about it. read the back of a random energy/protein bar sometime and add the correct calculations. for 1 gram of protein there is 4 calories......same amount with carbs. for every 1 gram of fat, 9 calories....just add those simple calculations up and they are NEVER correct. i know that on like a 300 calorie bar itll only be off by like 20-30 calories but the point is that they are INACCURATE. and ACTUALLY they have paid labs before to test random bars and items like for instance the TRIOPLEX bars (which are tasty as hell) had been tested at like 950 calories before when they should be like 450 which is what they say on the back. the reason for this was because back in the day the brand CHEF JAY that makes those trioplex bars was a "ma n pa" outfit....they didnt have the extra 10 million to throw on FDA lab testing for their product....this has been proven time n time again with 98% of supplement companies. when you buy most of these products, 85% of the profit on them goes right back into the marketing....thats why people like joe schmo go into GMC and ask the dude behind the counter what the best protein supplement or whatever is....and the guy recommends the nicest looking, shiniest bottle....because it sells the most, and every other joe schmo that went in before the "other guy" was attracted to the same product.

theres only like 5 companies in the USA that actually FDA test and regulate their products.....APEX and PINNACLE are the 2 that i know of.....i dont know the other 3 or so.....

so in conclusion....just look out for what you buy....cus the supplement industry is a 60 BILLION dollar industry....thats why the government doesnt step in and make every company test their shit....or only 10% of them would survive.

hope this helped ya'll out...