Lab tests uk

chris holmes

New member
Hi All.
As sometimes there can be so much confussion with feal and fake gear a lot of people don't really know whats in that vial or tablet. They say it works/or doesnt but what really is it that we take on a daily basis for sometimes for weeks or even months on end.
I was woundering if anybody can help me with a problem? Iam looking to find a lab in the UK that i can send all types of suspect gear to and find out what's actually contained in that vial or tablet. I think this will help counteract a lot of guess work among steroid youser and give us vital information on whats genuine and what's bogus. After all are health is of upmost importance.
If i can find a lab to test i will be posting all results on to steroidology including pictures of the steroid itself. This will also counteract against them cunts out there that sell us fake gear that is a load of bollocks. We can have suspect gear tested and genuine results produced. So can anybody help?
welcome, you are now the 6th brit on this board. The idea you have is very good but very expensive. I doubt there is a lab in UK that would be able to help you.
The only one I've heard off is in Utah and that's f-ing expensive I seem to remember a figure of $ woudn't be cost effective unless you are buying 1000 of pounds worth of gear.
Very good idea but purchasing from different suppliers that make different gear. I think that would almost be impossible to do. The idea behind it is nice though. Much luck to you.