Lean Bulk Cycle modifications required!


New member
I am 27 years old and this will be my 6th cycle,I have been lifting for 10 years and my first cycle was at 23,diet and workouts will be perfectly under track.
My current stats

Height : 178 cm
weight : 85kg
BF% : 13.7%

12 week cycle:

Test Prop 100mg EOD ( 1-12weeks)
Primobolan 100mg EOD (1-12weeks)
Dbol 20mg ED (1-4weeks)
Proviron 25mg ED(1-12weeks)
Masteron 100mg EOD(8-12weeks)
Armidex 0.5mg EOD(1-12 weeks)
HCG 1000iU (2-12 weeks)

PCT(5 days after last pin):-
Clomid 100/50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20/20

My main goal of the cycle is to lower bf% and increase muscle mass.any changes in the cycle are most welcomed brahs!