Lean bulking cycle diet advice


New member
Starting my second cycle soon.
23yo 5 11 and 201lb 12-13%bf at a guess.
Wk 1-14 test e @500mg/week
Wk 1-13 eq @ 600mg/week
PCT 2 weeks after last test e shot
Nolva 50/50/20/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50/50

Last cycle I gained a bit more bf that I would have called acceptable. However I've learnt a few things.

Here is my diet plan etc.

A few things I'm going to do is;
-start next cycle much leaner so my body won't gain fat as easy. Last cycle I reckon I would've started around 14%bf, this time I wanna start around 9-10% and not go over 15% or so.*

-Change my diet so it restricts carbs to breakfast, pre workout, post workout and ppwo.

-Some low intensity cardio 45min 3x a week.*

Next cycle is test e 500mg/week and eq 600mg a week. Frontloading test @ 800mg week 1 and eq at 1200mg week 1. That should get my peak blood levels by week 2. Finish eq at week 12 and test at 13.*

Diet will be;

7:30am- whey protein, 3/4 cup of rolled oats, 1/2 banana and milk in a smoothie. 604 cals p-66/f-14/c-65

10:30am- 6 whole eggs, 100g cottage cheese, veggies. 499 cals p-49/f-32/c-6

1pm- 200g chicken breast, 1cup avocado, salad and 1tbsp olive oil. 635 cal p-60/f-36/c-0

4pm-PWO- 200g mince, 1 1/2 cups of brown rice and salad. 633 cals p-54/f-18/c-54

6:30pm- train

8pm- whey protein and dextrose. 382 cals p-50/f-0/c-60

9pm- 200g steak/chicken, 1cup brown rice, veggies. 496cal p-50/f-7/c-40

10pm-before bed- 500g cottage cheese, fish oil. 515cal p-50/f-21/c-30

Throughout the day 50 cashew nuts
447cal p-13/f-38/c-12

Total: 4211cal p-392/f-166/c-267

Is there anything you would change or any advice you can help me with would be great.*

Also on a side note I was thinking about running arimidex this time round. Didn't get any gyno symptoms, but was sorta puffy on the body and my face was full moon spec. I don't want to jeopardize any muscle or strength gain by taking the arimidex, if that's the case I'll put up with the moonface lol. But if not what dosage do you recommend to keep bloat and estrogen related fat gain down?

Any help would be the best.
Well I cant give you much advice but I can say your making me hungry.
Looks very similar to my diet. Would like to hear a vets advice as well.
HI, cycle seems to be simple but efective, so its really good. But i will definitely recomend adding some carbs. 267grams of carbs is too low, specially if u are trying to add some mass.
I not a fan of excesive bulking. But for adding lean quality muscle mass u need to eat more than 267 carbs.
IMO, add carbs to your 1pm meal, cause at 10:30 there are no carbs... 2 meals with no carbs in a range of 6 hours, specially in bulking is shit.
About cardio, 45min is too much, stick to 20min 50% three times a week.
Drink a lot of water, between 2-4L.
I wanted to critique your diet but I figured it would be easier if I posted my daily diet that I used 1 week prior to me standing on stage.

1000 HRS 1000 mg Vitamin C
8 oz. Steak
1/2 Cup dry oats
2 Tablespoons low-calorie jam
Whey protein shake

1200 HRS 1000 mg Vitamin C
1 Cup blueberries
Whey protein shake

1430 HRS Whey protein shake
8 oz. Turkey breast
6 Stocks asparagus

1700 HRS Whey protein shake
1 Cup quick oats
2 Tablespoons almond butter

2000 HRS 8 oz. Turkey breast OR >
6-8 Stocks steamed asparagus
1/2 Cup dry oats

BEDTIME Whey protein shake
1 Tablespoon almond butter

Each protein shake was 4 scoops which worked to 80 grams of protein per. Protein shakes alone gave me 400 grams of protein each day. My carbs pre-contest were approximately 300 grams per day. This daily diet has more protein and carbs than you're bulking diet....and this was one week out from my show ! My trainer and coach wanted me to eat large to stay large. I never thought I could eat a ton of food and get leaner and leaner day by day !!!

My meal timings are based on a midnight to 0800 hrs sleep pattern and cardio scheduled from 0830-0930. Timings can obviously be massaged !

Good luck and keep us posted bruddha !
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Hello can you criticize my diet, give me some tips, or at least approve it :-).

I have some cheat meals, but when I do, I still try to eat as much proteins and UH as possible.

The diet is :

MEAL .1 150grams of oats, 7 eggs white (2 eggs yolks) + some cheese

MEAL .2 150 grams of rice, 200-300grams of white meat(chicken) + salad

Preworkout supplements ( I am thinking about taking 2 tablets of coffeine, they work similar to N.O )

PWM 40grams of whey protein, 20 grams of dextrose, 10 grams of creatine

MEAL 3. Fish 300grams + 400 grams of potato + salad ( or sometimes 300grams of steak + 400-500 grams of potato + salad )

MEAL 4. 300 grams of steak + salad

MEAL 5. Some yogurt/cheese with 0% we call it here Ella, I take about 200grams of it and 100 grams of hazelnut or almond.. :-)

That would be all, I have 86kilograms and I am 1,90 tall. 20 years old.
Any tips, corrections or anything? I aim to get some muscles ( weight ) .