Letro and estrogen rebound


I've only seen it referenced to and not explained in detail. Let's say someone was taking letro as an ai during a cycle and then wanted to stop. What would the procedure be for doing so? Would you jump on another ai for a while prior to the end of the cycle or maybe a serm after the cycle? Or just stop everything at end of cycle and start pct?
The above question isn't for me but since my answer is the person in question hasn't done bloodwork, I'll rephrase somewhat and ask another question too.

I am on letro as my ai on 600mg test cyp and 500iu hcg per week. I previously crashed my e2 on letro on regular trt doses so I know how bad I felt with that. Not saying that I can judge my levels on how I feel. Just saying I am not feeling the same bad sides as before.

That said, I wasn't planning bloods for another week or two to put it about mid cycle. So I can let you know after the bloodwork what my readings are. Would the levels change the answer that much?

My other question is I'm starting to chicken out on using hcg. I have two types of drug tests at work and while I was convinced they aren't looking for this type stuff, one test is a urine test. From reading, they say hcg will cause a positive pregnancy result. I haven't been selected for the random urinalysis in a couple years so I'm scared my time is coming and don't want to raise any suspicion at all, so I plan to stop the hcg. What are your opinions on this? Testicular atrophy I know, but what else?
Go to the Dollar Store and buy a prenancy test. Piss on it and see of it says you are pregnant. This is the same test they would use in your drug test.
I know it sounds silly. Why would they even test for pregnancy in a male? I worry too much but figure they might test to see if you use someone else's urine. I really don't know squat about it. Just being paranoid.
Last injection on Saturday. 250iu approx. Results. I'm not preggo. I bought two and will try again after next injection.
Letro is powerful stuff. If you got it from RUI, giving your lab rats 0.1ml will result in 0.25mg of letro, which could be enough to remove all your E2 in your body (dependent on how much test you are taking and some biological stuff that is slightly different from person to person). That said, you will get some rebound. I have no idea how bad it could be because I am on TRT and will never go into PCT. If I am blasting, I can slowly ramp down my dose to minimize any sudden changes and the E2 created by it.
My rats were on .05ml but recently noticed water retention and some moodiness in them so upped them to .1ml. That's eod dosing. They seem to be doing ok with that dose.
I thought I'd update this to confirm what megatron already knew. I had two pregnancy tests so yesterday I took an hcg injection and this morning did the second test with a negative result. So no reason to worry about that if you have urine tests at work.
About estrogen rebound after stopping Letro, it will happen some, but not as much as you might think. You are stopping the change of test to est with Letro, which means there is more test available in the body. However, the test will eventually break down and be eliminated from the body via urine. The test does not slowly build up forever, it reaches a saturation point. The only rebound you will get is from the slight increase you have from the higher test at that moment. Every AI will do this, though, so don't worry too much about it.
Why would they even test for pregnancy in a male?

Some times they check for female markers in males to make sure the urine you are using is yours. I do not know how prevalent that is, and can only imagine it being done for high security jobs or for jobs involving truck driving (Dept. of Trans requires more detailed urine tests than most employers use).
Some times they check for female markers in males to make sure the urine you are using is yours. I do not know how prevalent that is, and can only imagine it being done for high security jobs or for jobs involving truck driving (Dept. of Trans requires more detailed urine tests than most employers use).

I'm not a truck driver but it is a DOT drug test.