Limp dick, PCT - Questions, Nolvadex


New member
19 years old
6'1 195
195 before

I've been running 250mg/week of Test E for about two months now. Over the last week I couldn't get my dick up three times, which I thought was from drinking but it still didn't really work today sober. I have nolvadex on hand and wanting to start as soon as I can.

If I injected last on 3/16 and today is 3/23. Should I start as soon as I can, today?
How many mg do I take and do I do it daily or every other day? And how long do I take it?

19 and limp dick, wow. See what that shit's like when you are 49.

You need to run a real AI like aromasin or arimidex, you probably have high E2
:bash:This is one of the stupidest ones ive read for a while no clue about anything op is not qualified to take creatine.
And at 19
Just my own further the "why it's not good to cycle at 19"...

People are banging on you OP for shutting down natural test levels with a weak cycle. And why cycle at your age anyway? Your natural test levels are most likely great.

With no cycle/Anabolics...I ran track and lifted weights 5 days a week. Sprints in morning, weights in afternoon. Diet was shit, but I ate a ton of calories. Had a full six pack, ripped to the gills, and carried 180 pounds on a 5'8".

At 16 to 33 years old, you shouldn't have any problem maintaining a proper physique with a little hard work and good diet. 34-40 is a little bit tougher but still attainable without anabolics. 40-50, even harder but if you have worked out all your life...not a problem.
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Ok. I have aromasin, I stopped taking about a month ago cause some people said I only needed it if I got gyno or anything. Should i take that 12.5mg eod?
should I be doing a higher dosage a week?
It has been said but you shouldn't take anything at all your 19 now you shutdown your natty test to replace it with synthetic test injected into your body to only get the same basic level so basically you shut you're self down had to stab yourself for no benefit at all .

The worst part is if you had of spent 5 mins on Google you would know that a basic first cycle is 500mg of test with an appropriate ai to safe gaurd from high e2 sides

Why would you start injecting yourself with hormones when you did no research at all as a famous man says its not beer and weed . You are altering your dna basically making yourself a science experiment so shouldn't you get a basic understanding of whats going on first