Lipo 6 and diet changes????


New member
Heres my diet and training----I recently started taking Lipo 6 to cut some BF for a vacation in March----any suggestions on what to change to cut BF w/out loosing muscle mass??

STATS: 27 y/o, 6' 1", 215 lbs, @15% BF, been lifting 2 yrs religiously 2 days on 2 days off due to my schedule---mostly compound movements--cardio is 3- 15 minute brisk walks (3.5 -4.0 w/ 4.0 incline) after lifting and 2- 30 minute sprint/run sessions on off days


Large muscle group day:

1 cup oatmeal, 6 egg whites/2 whole eggs, oj

steak w/ veggies

chicken breast salad w/ olive oil

20 g protein shake w/ skim milk , 1 cup oatmeal (prewkout)

40 g shake, 1 packet cream of wheat (postworkout)

chicken breast or sirloin steak , veggies, sweet potato or rice or pasta

Moderate muscle group day:

same diet but with starches pre and post workout and meal after post workout only

Small muscle group day:

same diet w/ pre-post workout starches only

Off day:

No starches ---same diet

I cook with olive oil ----never butter

FISH OIL 3x daily
Vit B -complex daily
Multi Vit daily

Almonds to cut cravings
Plenty of water
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