Liquid-Clomid from Liquid Research

I have used some from liqua-solutions and it worked great. I've got the nolva from liquidresearch now but it will be a few weeks until I use it.
i have it

I got liq nova and i am using it.. I started using it once i got puffy nips and they stoped ..So yes it works

hows the clomid i think that will be my next thing on my list for my next cycle... I bought taps already dont need it right now.. But please let my know what you think..!!!!!!
their clomid got me nuttin' two gallons and breakin out everywhere, good stuff, I goota give it up to these guys they got their shit down. Ordered liquidex on thursday night and received in west coast monday morn. awesome
I hear it tastes shitty, some people inject it into a grape. I have thier Nolva/T3 at the moment.
Their T3 is excellent and I have some clomid coming for later.LR is a great operation IMO.

Ifrit said:
I drink Olive oil straight up so I think I will be alright,lol.

LoL, thats got a worse aftertaste than flax, but I know what you mean. Some people are just puzzies :D
I have heard alot of people skeptical of liquid t3. Glad to here TR's is good.

force said:
Their T3 is excellent and I have some clomid coming for later.LR is a great operation IMO.


I went ahead and ordered the liquid clomid (clen and dex also). I let everyone know how it works.

Since I am going to have a shitload of it, is there any benefit in upping the dosage to 75mg ed?
Probably not unless you want to burn like a madman, the magic number for not losing LBM seems to be around 25-50mcg for most people.
Mudge said:
Probably not unless you want to burn like a madman, the magic number for not losing LBM seems to be around 25-50mcg for most people.

Mudge: How long were you on the t3 before you bumped it to 50 mcg's? Did you feel a significant difference?
